package AnalyzeSkeleton; import ij.IJ;import ij.ImagePlus;import ij.ImageStack;import ij.WindowManager;import ij.gui.GenericDialog;import ij.measure.Calibration;import ij.measure.ResultsTable;import ij.plugin.filter.PlugInFilter;import ij.process.ByteProcessor;import ij.process.ImageProcessor;import ij.process.ShortProcessor;import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.Collections;import java.util.Comparator;import java.util.Iterator;import java.util.ListIterator; public class AnalyzeSkeleton implements PlugInFilter { public static byte END_POINT = 30; public static byte JUNCTION = 70; public static byte SLAB = 127; public static byte SHORTEST_PATH = 96; private ImagePlus imRef; private int width = 0; private int height = 0; private int depth = 0; private ImageStack inputImage = null; private boolean[][][] visited = (boolean[][][])null; private int totalNumberOfEndPoints = 0; private int totalNumberOfJunctionVoxels = 0; private int totalNumberOfSlabs = 0; private double shortestPath = 0.0; private ArrayList<Double> shortestPathList; private ArrayList<Point> shortestPathPoints; private int spx = 0; private int spy = 0; private int spz = 0; private double[][] spStartPosition; private ImageStack shortPathImage = null; private int[] numberOfBranches = null; private int[] numberOfEndPoints = null; private int[] numberOfJunctionVoxels = null; private int[] numberOfSlabs = null; private int[] numberOfJunctions = null; private int[] numberOfTriplePoints = null; private int[] numberOfQuadruplePoints = null; private ArrayList<Point>[] endPointsTree = null; private ArrayList<Point>[] junctionVoxelTree = null; private ArrayList<Point>[] startingSlabTree = null; private double[] averageBranchLength = null; private double[] maximumBranchLength = null; private ArrayList<Point> listOfEndPoints = null; private ArrayList<Point> listOfJunctionVoxels = null; private ArrayList<Point> listOfSlabVoxels = null; private ArrayList<Point> listOfStartingSlabVoxels = null; private ArrayList<ArrayList<Point>>[] listOfSingleJunctions = null; private Vertex[][] junctionVertex = (Vertex[][])null; private ImageStack taggedImage = null; private Point auxPoint = null; private int numOfTrees = 0; private boolean bPruneCycles = true; public static boolean pruneEnds = false; public static boolean calculateShortestPath = false; private Graph[] graph = null; private ArrayList<Point> slabList = null; private Vertex auxFinalVertex = null; public static final String[] pruneCyclesModes = new String[]{"none", "shortest branch", "lowest intensity voxel", "lowest intensity branch"}; public static final int NONE = 0; public static final int SHORTEST_BRANCH = 1; public static final int LOWEST_INTENSITY_VOXEL = 2; public static final int LOWEST_INTENSITY_BRANCH = 3; private ImageStack originalImage = null; public static int pruneIndex = 0; private int x_offset = 1; private int y_offset = 1; private int z_offset = 1; public static boolean verbose = false; protected boolean silent = false; private static final boolean debug = false; public int setup(String arg, ImagePlus imp) { this.imRef = imp; if (arg.equals("about")) { this.showAbout(); return 4096; } else { return 1; } } public void run(ImageProcessor ip) { GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("Analyze Skeleton"); gd.addChoice("Prune cycle method: ", pruneCyclesModes, pruneCyclesModes[pruneIndex]); gd.addCheckbox("Prune ends", pruneEnds); gd.addCheckbox("Calculate largest shortest path", calculateShortestPath); gd.addCheckbox("Show detailed info", verbose); gd.showDialog(); if (!gd.wasCanceled()) { pruneIndex = gd.getNextChoiceIndex(); pruneEnds = gd.getNextBoolean(); calculateShortestPath = gd.getNextBoolean(); verbose = gd.getNextBoolean(); ImagePlus origIP = null; switch(pruneIndex) { case 0: this.bPruneCycles = false; break; case 1: this.bPruneCycles = true; break; case 2: case 3: int[] ids = WindowManager.getIDList(); if (ids == null || ids.length < 1) { IJ.showMessage("You should have at least one image open."); return; } String[] titles = new String[ids.length]; for(int i = 0; i < ids.length; ++i) { titles[i] = WindowManager.getImage(ids[i]).getTitle(); } GenericDialog gd2 = new GenericDialog("Image selection"); gd2.addMessage("Select original grayscale image:"); String current = WindowManager.getCurrentImage().getTitle(); gd2.addChoice("original_image", titles, current); gd2.showDialog(); if (gd2.wasCanceled()) { return; } origIP = WindowManager.getImage(ids[gd2.getNextChoiceIndex()]); this.bPruneCycles = true; }, pruneEnds, calculateShortestPath, origIP, false, verbose); this.showResults(); } } public SkeletonResult run(int pruneIndex, boolean pruneEnds, boolean shortPath, ImagePlus origIP, boolean silent, boolean verbose) { AnalyzeSkeleton.pruneIndex = pruneIndex; this.silent = silent; AnalyzeSkeleton.pruneEnds = pruneEnds; calculateShortestPath = shortPath; AnalyzeSkeleton.verbose = verbose; switch(pruneIndex) { case 0: this.bPruneCycles = false; break; case 1: this.bPruneCycles = true; break; case 2: case 3: this.calculateNeighborhoodOffsets(origIP.getCalibration()); this.originalImage = origIP.getStack(); this.bPruneCycles = true; } this.width = this.imRef.getWidth(); this.height = this.imRef.getHeight(); this.depth = this.imRef.getStackSize(); this.inputImage = this.imRef.getStack(); this.resetVisited(); this.processSkeleton(this.inputImage); if (pruneEnds) { this.pruneEndBranches(this.inputImage, this.taggedImage); } if (this.bPruneCycles && this.pruneCycles(this.inputImage, this.originalImage, AnalyzeSkeleton.pruneIndex)) { this.resetVisited(); this.bPruneCycles = false; this.processSkeleton(this.inputImage); } this.calculateTripleAndQuadruplePoints(); if (shortPath) { this.shortPathImage = new ImageStack(this.width, this.height, this.inputImage.getColorModel()); for(int i = 1; i <= this.inputImage.getSize(); ++i) { this.shortPathImage.addSlice(this.inputImage.getSliceLabel(i), this.inputImage.getProcessor(i).duplicate()); } this.shortestPathList = new ArrayList<>(); this.spStartPosition = new double[this.numOfTrees][3]; for(int i = 0; i < this.numOfTrees; ++i) { this.shortestPath = this.warshallAlgorithm(this.graph[i]); this.shortestPathList.add(this.shortestPath); this.spStartPosition[i][0] = (double)this.spx * this.imRef.getCalibration().pixelWidth; this.spStartPosition[i][1] = (double)this.spy * this.imRef.getCalibration().pixelHeight; this.spStartPosition[i][2] = (double)this.spz * this.imRef.getCalibration().pixelDepth; } ImagePlus shortIP = new ImagePlus("Longest shortest paths", this.shortPathImage);; shortIP.setCalibration(this.imRef.getCalibration());, "Fire", null); shortIP.resetDisplayRange(); shortIP.updateAndDraw(); } return this.assembleResults(); } public Graph[] getGraphs() { return this.graph; } public SkeletonResult run() { return, false, false, null, true, false); } private void pruneEndBranches(ImageStack stack, ImageStack taggedImage) { for(int t = 0; t < this.numOfTrees; ++t) { Graph g = this.graph[t]; ArrayList<Vertex> vertices = g.getVertices(); ListIterator<Vertex> vit = vertices.listIterator(); while(vit.hasNext()) { Vertex v =; if (v.getBranches().size() == 1) { ArrayList<Point> points = v.getPoints(); int nPoints = points.size(); for(int i = 0; i < nPoints; ++i) { Point p = points.get(i); this.setPixel(stack, p.x, p.y, p.z, (byte)0); this.setPixel(taggedImage, p.x, p.y, p.z, (byte)0); this.numberOfEndPoints[t]--; --this.totalNumberOfEndPoints; Iterator<Point> pit = this.listOfEndPoints.listIterator(); while(pit.hasNext()) { Point ep =; if (ep.equals(p)) { pit.remove(); break; } } } Edge branch = v.getBranches().get(0); points = branch.getSlabs(); int nSlabs = points.size(); for(int i = 0; i < nSlabs; ++i) { Point p = points.get(i); this.setPixel(stack, p.x, p.y, p.z, (byte)0); this.setPixel(taggedImage, p.x, p.y, p.z, (byte)0); this.numberOfSlabs[t]--; --this.totalNumberOfSlabs; Iterator<Point> pit = this.listOfSlabVoxels.listIterator(); while(pit.hasNext()) { Point ep =; if (ep.equals(p)) { pit.remove(); break; } } } ArrayList<Edge> gEdges = this.graph[t].getEdges(); Iterator<Edge> git = gEdges.listIterator(); while(git.hasNext()) { Edge e =; if (e.equals(branch)) { git.remove(); break; } } Vertex opp = branch.getOppositeVertex(v); ArrayList<Edge> oppBranches = opp.getBranches(); Iterator<Edge> oppIt = oppBranches.listIterator(); while(oppIt.hasNext()) { Edge oppBranch =; if (oppBranch.equals(branch)) { oppIt.remove(); break; } } v.getBranches().remove(0); vit.remove(); } } } } private void calculateNeighborhoodOffsets(Calibration calibration) { double max = calibration.pixelDepth; if (calibration.pixelHeight > max) { max = calibration.pixelHeight; } if (calibration.pixelWidth > max) { max = calibration.pixelWidth; } this.x_offset = (int)Math.round(max / calibration.pixelWidth) > 1 ? (int)Math.round(max / calibration.pixelWidth) : 1; this.y_offset = (int)Math.round(max / calibration.pixelHeight) > 1 ? (int)Math.round(max / calibration.pixelHeight) : 1; this.z_offset = (int)Math.round(max / calibration.pixelDepth) > 1 ? (int)Math.round(max / calibration.pixelDepth) : 1; } public void processSkeleton(ImageStack inputImage2) { this.listOfEndPoints = new ArrayList<>(); this.listOfJunctionVoxels = new ArrayList<>(); this.listOfSlabVoxels = new ArrayList<>(); this.listOfStartingSlabVoxels = new ArrayList<>(); this.totalNumberOfEndPoints = 0; this.totalNumberOfJunctionVoxels = 0; this.totalNumberOfSlabs = 0; this.taggedImage = this.tagImage(inputImage2); if (!this.bPruneCycles && !this.silent) { this.displayTagImage(this.taggedImage); } ImageStack treeIS = this.markTrees(this.taggedImage); this.initializeTrees(); if (this.numOfTrees > 1) { this.divideVoxelsByTrees(treeIS); } else { this.endPointsTree[0] = this.listOfEndPoints; this.numberOfEndPoints[0] = this.listOfEndPoints.size(); this.junctionVoxelTree[0] = this.listOfJunctionVoxels; this.numberOfJunctionVoxels[0] = this.listOfJunctionVoxels.size(); this.startingSlabTree[0] = this.listOfStartingSlabVoxels; } this.groupJunctions(treeIS); this.resetVisited(); for(int i = 0; i < this.numOfTrees; ++i) { this.visitSkeleton(this.taggedImage, treeIS, i + 1); } } private boolean pruneCycles(ImageStack inputImage, ImageStack originalImage, int pruningMode) { boolean pruned = false; for(int iTree = 0; iTree < this.numOfTrees; ++iTree) { if (this.startingSlabTree[iTree].size() == 1) { this.setPixel(inputImage, this.startingSlabTree[iTree].get(0), (byte)0); pruned = true; } else { ArrayList<Edge> backEdges = this.graph[iTree].depthFirstSearch(); if (backEdges.size() > 0) { for(Edge e : backEdges) { ArrayList<Edge> loopEdges = new ArrayList<>(); loopEdges.add(e); Edge minEdge = e; Vertex finalLoopVertex = e.getV1().getVisitOrder() < e.getV2().getVisitOrder() ? e.getV1() : e.getV2(); Edge pre; for(Vertex backtrackVertex = e.getV1().getVisitOrder() < e.getV2().getVisitOrder() ? e.getV2() : e.getV1(); !finalLoopVertex.equals(backtrackVertex); backtrackVertex = pre.getV1().equals(backtrackVertex) ? pre.getV2() : pre.getV1() ) { pre = backtrackVertex.getPredecessor(); if (pruningMode == 1 && pre.getSlabs().size() < minEdge.getSlabs().size()) { minEdge = pre; } loopEdges.add(pre); } if (pruningMode == 1) { Point removeCoords = null; Point var15; if (minEdge.getSlabs().size() > 0) { var15 = minEdge.getSlabs().get(minEdge.getSlabs().size() / 2); } else { var15 = minEdge.getV1().getPoints().get(0); } this.setPixel(inputImage, var15, (byte)0); } else if (pruningMode == 2) { this.removeLowestIntensityVoxel(loopEdges, inputImage, originalImage); } else if (pruningMode == 3) { this.cutLowestIntensityBranch(loopEdges, inputImage, originalImage); } } pruned = true; } } } return pruned; } private void removeLowestIntensityVoxel(ArrayList<Edge> loopEdges, ImageStack inputImage2, ImageStack originalGrayImage) { Point lowestIntensityVoxel = null; double lowestIntensityValue = Double.MAX_VALUE; for(Edge e : loopEdges) { for(Point p : e.getSlabs()) { double avg = getAverageNeighborhoodValue(originalGrayImage, p, this.x_offset, this.y_offset, this.z_offset); if (avg < lowestIntensityValue) { lowestIntensityValue = avg; lowestIntensityVoxel = p; } } } this.setPixel(inputImage2, lowestIntensityVoxel, (byte)0); } private void cutLowestIntensityBranch(ArrayList<Edge> loopEdges, ImageStack inputImage2, ImageStack originalGrayImage) { Edge lowestIntensityEdge = null; double lowestIntensityValue = Double.MAX_VALUE; Point cutPoint = null; for(Edge e : loopEdges) { double min_val = Double.MAX_VALUE; Point darkestPoint = null; double edgeIntensity = 0.0; double n_vox = 0.0; for(Point p : e.getSlabs()) { double avg = getAverageNeighborhoodValue(originalGrayImage, p, this.x_offset, this.y_offset, this.z_offset); if (avg < min_val) { min_val = avg; darkestPoint = p; } edgeIntensity += avg; ++n_vox; } for(Point p : e.getV1().getPoints()) { edgeIntensity += getAverageNeighborhoodValue(originalGrayImage, p, this.x_offset, this.y_offset, this.z_offset); ++n_vox; } for(Point p : e.getV2().getPoints()) { edgeIntensity += getAverageNeighborhoodValue(originalGrayImage, p, this.x_offset, this.y_offset, this.z_offset); ++n_vox; } if (n_vox != 0.0) { edgeIntensity /= n_vox; } if (edgeIntensity < lowestIntensityValue) { lowestIntensityEdge = e; lowestIntensityValue = edgeIntensity; cutPoint = darkestPoint; } } Point removeCoords = null; if (lowestIntensityEdge.getSlabs().size() > 0) { removeCoords = cutPoint; } else { IJ.error("Lowest intensity branch without slabs?!: vertex " + lowestIntensityEdge.getV1().getPoints().get(0)); removeCoords = lowestIntensityEdge.getV1().getPoints().get(0); } this.setPixel(inputImage2, removeCoords, (byte)0); } void displayTagImage(ImageStack taggedImage) { ImagePlus tagIP = new ImagePlus("Tagged skeleton", taggedImage); tagIP.setCalibration(this.imRef.getCalibration());, "Fire", null); tagIP.resetDisplayRange(); tagIP.updateAndDraw(); } private void divideVoxelsByTrees(ImageStack treeIS) { for(int i = 0; i < this.totalNumberOfEndPoints; ++i) { Point p = this.listOfEndPoints.get(i); this.endPointsTree[this.getShortPixel(treeIS, p) - 1].add(p); } for(int i = 0; i < this.totalNumberOfJunctionVoxels; ++i) { Point p = this.listOfJunctionVoxels.get(i); this.junctionVoxelTree[this.getShortPixel(treeIS, p) - 1].add(p); } for(int i = 0; i < this.listOfStartingSlabVoxels.size(); ++i) { Point p = this.listOfStartingSlabVoxels.get(i); this.startingSlabTree[this.getShortPixel(treeIS, p) - 1].add(p); } for(int iTree = 0; iTree < this.numOfTrees; ++iTree) { this.numberOfEndPoints[iTree] = this.endPointsTree[iTree].size(); this.numberOfJunctionVoxels[iTree] = this.junctionVoxelTree[iTree].size(); } } private void initializeTrees() { this.numberOfBranches = new int[this.numOfTrees]; this.numberOfEndPoints = new int[this.numOfTrees]; this.numberOfJunctionVoxels = new int[this.numOfTrees]; this.numberOfJunctions = new int[this.numOfTrees]; this.numberOfSlabs = new int[this.numOfTrees]; this.numberOfTriplePoints = new int[this.numOfTrees]; this.numberOfQuadruplePoints = new int[this.numOfTrees]; this.averageBranchLength = new double[this.numOfTrees]; this.maximumBranchLength = new double[this.numOfTrees]; this.endPointsTree = new ArrayList[this.numOfTrees]; this.junctionVoxelTree = new ArrayList[this.numOfTrees]; this.startingSlabTree = new ArrayList[this.numOfTrees]; this.listOfSingleJunctions = new ArrayList[this.numOfTrees]; this.graph = new Graph[this.numOfTrees]; for(int i = 0; i < this.numOfTrees; ++i) { this.endPointsTree[i] = new ArrayList<>(); this.junctionVoxelTree[i] = new ArrayList<>(); this.startingSlabTree[i] = new ArrayList<>(); this.listOfSingleJunctions[i] = new ArrayList<>(); } this.junctionVertex = new Vertex[this.numOfTrees][]; } private void showResults() { ResultsTable rt = new ResultsTable(); String[] head = new String[]{ "Skeleton", "# Branches", "# Junctions", "# End-point voxels", "# Junction voxels", "# Slab voxels", "Average Branch Length", "# Triple points", "# Quadruple points", "Maximum Branch Length", "Longest Shortest Path", "spx", "spy", "spz" }; for(int i = 0; i < this.numOfTrees; ++i) { rt.incrementCounter(); rt.addValue(head[1], (double)this.numberOfBranches[i]); rt.addValue(head[2], (double)this.numberOfJunctions[i]); rt.addValue(head[3], (double)this.numberOfEndPoints[i]); rt.addValue(head[4], (double)this.numberOfJunctionVoxels[i]); rt.addValue(head[5], (double)this.numberOfSlabs[i]); rt.addValue(head[6], this.averageBranchLength[i]); rt.addValue(head[7], (double)this.numberOfTriplePoints[i]); rt.addValue(head[8], (double)this.numberOfQuadruplePoints[i]); rt.addValue(head[9], this.maximumBranchLength[i]); if (null != this.shortestPathList) { rt.addValue(head[10], this.shortestPathList.get(i)); rt.addValue(head[11], this.spStartPosition[i][0]); rt.addValue(head[12], this.spStartPosition[i][1]); rt.addValue(head[13], this.spStartPosition[i][2]); } if (0 == i % 100) {"Results"); } }"Results"); if (verbose) { ResultsTable extra_rt = new ResultsTable(); String[] extra_head = new String[]{"Branch", "Skeleton ID", "Branch length", "V1 x", "V1 y", "V1 z", "V2 x", "V2 y", "V2 z", "Euclidean distance"}; Comparator<Edge> comp = new Comparator<Edge>() { public int compare(Edge o1, Edge o2) { double diff = o1.getLength() - o2.getLength(); if (diff < 0.0) { return 1; } else { return diff == 0.0 ? 0 : -1; } } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { return false; } }; for(int i = 0; i < this.numOfTrees; ++i) { ArrayList<Edge> listEdges = this.graph[i].getEdges(); Collections.sort(listEdges, comp); for(Edge e : listEdges) { extra_rt.incrementCounter(); extra_rt.addValue(extra_head[1], (double)(i + 1)); extra_rt.addValue(extra_head[2], e.getLength()); extra_rt.addValue(extra_head[3], (double)e.getV1().getPoints().get(0).x * this.imRef.getCalibration().pixelWidth); extra_rt.addValue(extra_head[4], (double)e.getV1().getPoints().get(0).y * this.imRef.getCalibration().pixelHeight); extra_rt.addValue(extra_head[5], (double)e.getV1().getPoints().get(0).z * this.imRef.getCalibration().pixelDepth); extra_rt.addValue(extra_head[6], (double)e.getV2().getPoints().get(0).x * this.imRef.getCalibration().pixelWidth); extra_rt.addValue(extra_head[7], (double)e.getV2().getPoints().get(0).y * this.imRef.getCalibration().pixelHeight); extra_rt.addValue(extra_head[8], (double)e.getV2().getPoints().get(0).z * this.imRef.getCalibration().pixelDepth); extra_rt.addValue(extra_head[9], this.calculateDistance(e.getV1().getPoints().get(0), e.getV2().getPoints().get(0))); } }"Branch information"); } } protected SkeletonResult assembleResults() { SkeletonResult result = new SkeletonResult(this.numOfTrees); result.setBranches(this.numberOfBranches); result.setJunctions(this.numberOfJunctions); result.setEndPoints(this.numberOfEndPoints); result.setJunctionVoxels(this.numberOfJunctionVoxels); result.setSlabs(this.numberOfSlabs); result.setAverageBranchLength(this.averageBranchLength); result.setTriples(this.numberOfTriplePoints); result.setQuadruples(this.numberOfQuadruplePoints); result.setMaximumBranchLength(this.maximumBranchLength); result.setListOfEndPoints(this.listOfEndPoints); result.setListOfJunctionVoxels(this.listOfJunctionVoxels); result.setListOfSlabVoxels(this.listOfSlabVoxels); result.setListOfStartingSlabVoxels(this.listOfStartingSlabVoxels); result.setGraph(this.graph); result.calculateNumberOfVoxels(); return result; } /** @deprecated */ private void visitSkeleton(ImageStack taggedImage) { double branchLength = 0.0; int numberOfBranches = 0; double maximumBranchLength = 0.0; double averageBranchLength = 0.0; Point initialPoint = null; Point finalPoint = null; for(int i = 0; i < this.totalNumberOfEndPoints; ++i) { Point endPointCoord = this.listOfEndPoints.get(i); double length = this.visitBranch(endPointCoord); if (length != 0.0) { ++numberOfBranches; branchLength += length; if (length > maximumBranchLength) { maximumBranchLength = length; finalPoint = this.auxPoint; } } } for(int i = 0; i < this.totalNumberOfJunctionVoxels; ++i) { Point junctionCoord = this.listOfJunctionVoxels.get(i); this.setVisited(junctionCoord, true); for(Point nextPoint = this.getNextUnvisitedVoxel(junctionCoord); nextPoint != null; nextPoint = this.getNextUnvisitedVoxel(junctionCoord)) { branchLength += this.calculateDistance(junctionCoord, nextPoint); double length = this.visitBranch(nextPoint); branchLength += length; if (length != 0.0) { ++numberOfBranches; if (length > maximumBranchLength) { maximumBranchLength = length; finalPoint = this.auxPoint; } } } } averageBranchLength = branchLength / (double)numberOfBranches; } private void visitSkeleton(ImageStack taggedImage, ImageStack treeImage, int currentTree) { int iTree = currentTree - 1; this.graph[iTree] = new Graph(); for(int i = 0; i < this.junctionVertex[iTree].length; ++i) { this.graph[iTree].addVertex(this.junctionVertex[iTree][i]); } double branchLength = 0.0; this.maximumBranchLength[iTree] = 0.0; this.numberOfSlabs[iTree] = 0; for(int i = 0; i < this.numberOfEndPoints[iTree]; ++i) { Point endPointCoord = this.endPointsTree[iTree].get(i); if (!this.isVisited(endPointCoord)) { Vertex v1 = new Vertex(); v1.addPoint(endPointCoord); this.graph[iTree].addVertex(v1); if (i == 0) { this.graph[iTree].setRoot(v1); } this.slabList = new ArrayList<>(); double length = this.visitBranch(endPointCoord, iTree); if (length != 0.0) { if (this.isSlab(this.auxPoint)) { Point aux = this.auxPoint; this.auxPoint = this.getVisitedJunctionNeighbor(this.auxPoint, v1); this.auxFinalVertex = this.findPointVertex(this.junctionVertex[iTree], this.auxPoint); if (this.auxPoint == null) { this.auxFinalVertex = v1; this.auxPoint = aux; } length += this.calculateDistance(this.auxPoint, aux); } this.graph[iTree].addVertex(this.auxFinalVertex); this.graph[iTree].addEdge(new Edge(v1, this.auxFinalVertex, this.slabList, length)); this.numberOfBranches[iTree]++; branchLength += length; if (length > this.maximumBranchLength[iTree]) { this.maximumBranchLength[iTree] = length; } } } } if (this.numberOfEndPoints[iTree] == 0 && this.junctionVoxelTree[iTree].size() > 0) { this.graph[iTree].setRoot(this.junctionVertex[iTree][0]); } for(int i = 0; i < this.junctionVertex[iTree].length; ++i) { for(int j = 0; j < this.junctionVertex[iTree][i].getPoints().size(); ++j) { Point junctionCoord = this.junctionVertex[iTree][i].getPoints().get(j); this.setVisited(junctionCoord, true); for(Point nextPoint = this.getNextUnvisitedVoxel(junctionCoord); nextPoint != null; nextPoint = this.getNextUnvisitedVoxel(junctionCoord)) { if (this.isJunction(nextPoint)) { this.setVisited(nextPoint, true); } else { this.slabList = new ArrayList<>(); this.slabList.add(nextPoint); double length = this.calculateDistance(junctionCoord, nextPoint); this.auxPoint = null; length += this.visitBranch(nextPoint, iTree); branchLength += length; if (length != 0.0) { if (this.auxPoint == null) { this.auxPoint = nextPoint; } this.numberOfBranches[iTree]++; Vertex initialVertex = null; for(int k = 0; k < this.junctionVertex[iTree].length; ++k) { if (this.junctionVertex[iTree][k].isVertexPoint(junctionCoord)) { initialVertex = this.junctionVertex[iTree][k]; break; } } if (this.isSlab(this.auxPoint)) { Point aux = this.auxPoint; this.auxPoint = this.getVisitedJunctionNeighbor(this.auxPoint, initialVertex); this.auxFinalVertex = this.findPointVertex(this.junctionVertex[iTree], this.auxPoint); if (this.auxPoint == null) { this.auxFinalVertex = initialVertex; this.auxPoint = aux; } length += this.calculateDistance(this.auxPoint, aux); } if (length > this.maximumBranchLength[iTree]) { this.maximumBranchLength[iTree] = length; } this.graph[iTree].addEdge(new Edge(initialVertex, this.auxFinalVertex, this.slabList, length)); } } } } } if (this.startingSlabTree[iTree].size() == 1) { Point startCoord = this.startingSlabTree[iTree].get(0); Vertex v1 = new Vertex(); v1.addPoint(startCoord); this.graph[iTree].addVertex(v1); this.slabList = new ArrayList<>(); this.slabList.add(startCoord); this.numberOfSlabs[iTree]++; double length = this.visitBranch(startCoord, iTree); if (length != 0.0) { this.numberOfBranches[iTree]++; branchLength += length; if (length > this.maximumBranchLength[iTree]) { this.maximumBranchLength[iTree] = length; } } this.graph[iTree].addEdge(new Edge(v1, v1, this.slabList, length)); } if (this.numberOfBranches[iTree] != 0) { this.averageBranchLength[iTree] = branchLength / (double)this.numberOfBranches[iTree]; } } private ImageStack markTrees(ImageStack taggedImage) { ImageStack outputImage = new ImageStack(this.width, this.height, taggedImage.getColorModel()); for(int z = 0; z < this.depth; ++z) { outputImage.addSlice(taggedImage.getSliceLabel(z + 1), new ShortProcessor(this.width, this.height)); } this.numOfTrees = 0; short color = 0; for(int i = 0; i < this.totalNumberOfEndPoints; ++i) { Point endPointCoord = this.listOfEndPoints.get(i); if (!this.isVisited(endPointCoord)) { if (++color == 32767) { IJ.error("More than 32766 skeletons in the image. AnalyzeSkeleton can only process up to 32766"); return null; } int numOfVoxelsInTree = this.visitTree(endPointCoord, outputImage, color); ++this.numOfTrees; } } for(int i = 0; i < this.totalNumberOfJunctionVoxels; ++i) { Point junctionCoord = this.listOfJunctionVoxels.get(i); if (!this.isVisited(junctionCoord)) { if (++color == 32767) { IJ.error("More than 32766 skeletons in the image. AnalyzeSkeleton can only process up to 255"); return null; } int length = this.visitTree(junctionCoord, outputImage, color); if (length == 0) { --color; } else { ++this.numOfTrees; } } } for(int i = 0; i < this.listOfSlabVoxels.size(); ++i) { Point p = this.listOfSlabVoxels.get(i); if (!this.isVisited(p)) { this.listOfStartingSlabVoxels.add(p); if (++color == 32767) { IJ.error("More than 32766 skeletons in the image. AnalyzeSkeleton can only process up to 255"); return null; } int length = this.visitTree(p, outputImage, color); if (length == 0) { --color; } else { ++this.numOfTrees; } } } this.numOfTrees = this.numOfTrees > 0 ? this.numOfTrees : 1; this.resetVisited(); return outputImage; } private int visitTree(Point startingPoint, ImageStack outputImage, short color) { int numOfVoxels = 0; if (this.isVisited(startingPoint)) { return 0; } else { this.setPixel(outputImage, startingPoint.x, startingPoint.y, startingPoint.z, color); this.setVisited(startingPoint, true); ArrayList<Point> toRevisit = new ArrayList<>(); if (this.isJunction(startingPoint)) { toRevisit.add(startingPoint); } Point nextPoint = this.getNextUnvisitedVoxel(startingPoint); while(nextPoint != null || toRevisit.size() != 0) { if (nextPoint != null) { if (!this.isVisited(nextPoint)) { ++numOfVoxels; this.setPixel(outputImage, nextPoint.x, nextPoint.y, nextPoint.z, color); this.setVisited(nextPoint, true); if (this.isJunction(nextPoint)) { toRevisit.add(nextPoint); } nextPoint = this.getNextUnvisitedVoxel(nextPoint); } } else { nextPoint = toRevisit.get(0); nextPoint = this.getNextUnvisitedVoxel(nextPoint); if (nextPoint == null) { toRevisit.remove(0); } } } return numOfVoxels; } } /** @deprecated */ private double visitBranch(Point startingPoint) { double length = 0.0; this.setVisited(startingPoint, true); Point nextPoint = this.getNextUnvisitedVoxel(startingPoint); if (nextPoint == null) { return 0.0; } else { Point previousPoint; for(previousPoint = startingPoint; nextPoint != null && this.isSlab(nextPoint); nextPoint = this.getNextUnvisitedVoxel(nextPoint)) { length += this.calculateDistance(previousPoint, nextPoint); this.setVisited(nextPoint, true); previousPoint = nextPoint; } if (nextPoint != null) { length += this.calculateDistance(previousPoint, nextPoint); this.setVisited(nextPoint, true); } this.auxPoint = previousPoint; return length; } } private double visitBranch(Point startingPoint, int iTree) { double length = 0.0; this.setVisited(startingPoint, true); Point nextPoint = this.getNextUnvisitedVoxel(startingPoint); if (nextPoint == null) { return 0.0; } else { Point previousPoint; for(previousPoint = startingPoint; nextPoint != null && this.isSlab(nextPoint); nextPoint = this.getNextUnvisitedVoxel(nextPoint)) { this.numberOfSlabs[iTree]++; this.slabList.add(nextPoint); length += this.calculateDistance(previousPoint, nextPoint); this.setVisited(nextPoint, true); previousPoint = nextPoint; } if (nextPoint != null) { length += this.calculateDistance(previousPoint, nextPoint); this.setVisited(nextPoint, true); if (this.isEndPoint(nextPoint)) { this.auxFinalVertex = new Vertex(); this.auxFinalVertex.addPoint(nextPoint); } else if (this.isJunction(nextPoint)) { this.auxFinalVertex = this.findPointVertex(this.junctionVertex[iTree], nextPoint); } this.auxPoint = nextPoint; } else { this.auxPoint = previousPoint; } return length; } } public Vertex findPointVertex(Vertex[] vertex, Point p) { int j = 0; for(int var4 = 0; var4 < vertex.length; ++var4) { if (vertex[var4].isVertexPoint(p)) { return vertex[var4]; } } return null; } private double calculateDistance(Point point1, Point point2) { return Math.sqrt( Math.pow((double)(point1.x - point2.x) * this.imRef.getCalibration().pixelWidth, 2.0) + Math.pow((double)(point1.y - point2.y) * this.imRef.getCalibration().pixelHeight, 2.0) + Math.pow((double)(point1.z - point2.z) * this.imRef.getCalibration().pixelDepth, 2.0) ); } private void groupJunctions(ImageStack treeIS) { this.resetVisited(); for(int iTree = 0; iTree < this.numOfTrees; ++iTree) { for(int i = 0; i < this.numberOfJunctionVoxels[iTree]; ++i) { Point pi = this.junctionVoxelTree[iTree].get(i); if (!this.isVisited(pi)) { this.fusionNeighborJunction(pi, this.listOfSingleJunctions[iTree]); } } } for(int iTree = 0; iTree < this.numOfTrees; ++iTree) { this.numberOfJunctions[iTree] = this.listOfSingleJunctions[iTree].size(); this.junctionVertex[iTree] = new Vertex[this.listOfSingleJunctions[iTree].size()]; for(int j = 0; j < this.listOfSingleJunctions[iTree].size(); ++j) { ArrayList<Point> list = this.listOfSingleJunctions[iTree].get(j); this.junctionVertex[iTree][j] = new Vertex(); for(Point p : list) { this.junctionVertex[iTree][j].addPoint(p); } } } this.resetVisited(); } private void resetVisited() { this.visited = (boolean[][][])null; this.visited = new boolean[this.width][this.height][this.depth]; } private void fusionNeighborJunction(Point startingPoint, ArrayList<ArrayList<Point>> singleJunctionsList) { ArrayList<Point> newGroup = new ArrayList<>(); newGroup.add(startingPoint); this.setVisited(startingPoint, true); ArrayList<Point> toRevisit = new ArrayList<>(); toRevisit.add(startingPoint); Point nextPoint = this.getNextUnvisitedJunctionVoxel(startingPoint); while(nextPoint != null || toRevisit.size() != 0) { if (nextPoint != null && !this.isVisited(nextPoint)) { newGroup.add(nextPoint); this.setVisited(nextPoint, true); toRevisit.add(nextPoint); nextPoint = this.getNextUnvisitedJunctionVoxel(nextPoint); } else { nextPoint = toRevisit.get(0); nextPoint = this.getNextUnvisitedJunctionVoxel(nextPoint); if (nextPoint == null) { toRevisit.remove(0); } } } singleJunctionsList.add(newGroup); } boolean checkNeighborGroups(ArrayList<Point> g1, ArrayList<Point> g2) { for(int i = 0; i < g1.size(); ++i) { Point pi = g1.get(i); for(int j = 0; j < g2.size(); ++j) { Point pj = g2.get(j); if (this.isNeighbor(pi, pj)) { return true; } } } return false; } private void calculateTripleAndQuadruplePoints() { for(int iTree = 0; iTree < this.numOfTrees; ++iTree) { for(int i = 0; i < this.numberOfJunctions[iTree]; ++i) { ArrayList<Point> groupOfJunctions = this.listOfSingleJunctions[iTree].get(i); int nBranch = 0; for(int j = 0; j < groupOfJunctions.size(); ++j) { Point pj = groupOfJunctions.get(j); byte[] neighborhood = this.getNeighborhood(this.taggedImage, pj.x, pj.y, pj.z); for(int k = 0; k < 27; ++k) { if (neighborhood[k] == SLAB || neighborhood[k] == END_POINT) { ++nBranch; } } } if (nBranch == 3) { this.numberOfTriplePoints[iTree]++; } else if (nBranch == 4) { this.numberOfQuadruplePoints[iTree]++; } } } } private boolean isNeighbor(Point point1, Point point2) { return Math.sqrt( Math.pow((double)(point1.x - point2.x), 2.0) + Math.pow((double)(point1.y - point2.y), 2.0) + Math.pow((double)(point1.z - point2.z), 2.0) ) <= Math.sqrt(3.0); } private boolean isSlab(Point point) { return getPixel(this.taggedImage, point.x, point.y, point.z) == SLAB; } private boolean isJunction(Point point) { return getPixel(this.taggedImage, point.x, point.y, point.z) == JUNCTION; } private boolean isEndPoint(Point point) { return getPixel(this.taggedImage, point.x, point.y, point.z) == END_POINT; } private boolean isJunction(int x, int y, int z) { return getPixel(this.taggedImage, x, y, z) == JUNCTION; } private Point getNextUnvisitedVoxel(Point point) { Point unvisitedNeighbor = null; for(int x = -1; x < 2; ++x) { for(int y = -1; y < 2; ++y) { for(int z = -1; z < 2; ++z) { if ((x != 0 || y != 0 || z != 0) && getPixel(this.inputImage, point.x + x, point.y + y, point.z + z) != 0 && !this.isVisited(point.x + x, point.y + y, point.z + z)) { unvisitedNeighbor = new Point(point.x + x, point.y + y, point.z + z); break; } } } } return unvisitedNeighbor; } private Point getNextUnvisitedJunctionVoxel(Point point) { Point unvisitedNeighbor = null; for(int x = -1; x < 2; ++x) { for(int y = -1; y < 2; ++y) { for(int z = -1; z < 2; ++z) { if ((x != 0 || y != 0 || z != 0) && getPixel(this.inputImage, point.x + x, point.y + y, point.z + z) != 0 && !this.isVisited(point.x + x, point.y + y, point.z + z) && this.isJunction(point.x + x, point.y + y, point.z + z)) { unvisitedNeighbor = new Point(point.x + x, point.y + y, point.z + z); break; } } } } return unvisitedNeighbor; } private Point getVisitedJunctionNeighbor(Point point, Vertex exclude) { Point finalNeighbor = null; for(int x = -1; x < 2; ++x) { for(int y = -1; y < 2; ++y) { for(int z = -1; z < 2; ++z) { if (x != 0 || y != 0 || z != 0) { Point neighbor = new Point(point.x + x, point.y + y, point.z + z); if (this.getPixel(this.inputImage, neighbor) != 0 && this.isVisited(neighbor) && this.isJunction(neighbor) && !exclude.getPoints().contains(neighbor)) { finalNeighbor = neighbor; break; } } } } } return finalNeighbor; } private boolean isVisited(Point point) { return this.isVisited(point.x, point.y, point.z); } private boolean isVisited(int x, int y, int z) { return x >= 0 && x < this.width && y >= 0 && y < this.height && z >= 0 && z < this.depth ? this.visited[x][y][z] : true; } private void setVisited(int x, int y, int z, boolean b) { if (x >= 0 && x < this.width && y >= 0 && y < this.height && z >= 0 && z < this.depth) { this.visited[x][y][z] = b; } } private void setVisited(Point point, boolean b) { int x = point.x; int y = point.y; int z = point.z; this.setVisited(x, y, z, b); } private ImageStack tagImage(ImageStack inputImage2) { ImageStack outputImage = new ImageStack(this.width, this.height, inputImage2.getColorModel()); for(int z = 0; z < this.depth; ++z) { outputImage.addSlice(inputImage2.getSliceLabel(z + 1), new ByteProcessor(this.width, this.height)); for(int x = 0; x < this.width; ++x) { for(int y = 0; y < this.height; ++y) { if (getPixel(inputImage2, x, y, z) != 0) { int numOfNeighbors = this.getNumberOfNeighbors(inputImage2, x, y, z); if (numOfNeighbors < 2) { this.setPixel(outputImage, x, y, z, END_POINT); ++this.totalNumberOfEndPoints; Point endPoint = new Point(x, y, z); this.listOfEndPoints.add(endPoint); } else if (numOfNeighbors > 2) { this.setPixel(outputImage, x, y, z, JUNCTION); Point junction = new Point(x, y, z); this.listOfJunctionVoxels.add(junction); ++this.totalNumberOfJunctionVoxels; } else { this.setPixel(outputImage, x, y, z, SLAB); Point slab = new Point(x, y, z); this.listOfSlabVoxels.add(slab); ++this.totalNumberOfSlabs; } } } } } return outputImage; } private int getNumberOfNeighbors(ImageStack image, int x, int y, int z) { int n = 0; byte[] neighborhood = this.getNeighborhood(image, x, y, z); for(int i = 0; i < 27; ++i) { if (neighborhood[i] != 0) { ++n; } } return n - 1; } private double getAverageNeighborhoodValue(ImageStack image, Point p) { byte[] neighborhood = this.getNeighborhood(image, p); double avg = 0.0; for(int i = 0; i < neighborhood.length; ++i) { avg += (double)(neighborhood[i] & 255); } return neighborhood.length > 0 ? avg / (double)neighborhood.length : 0.0; } public static double getAverageNeighborhoodValue(ImageStack image, Point p, int x_offset, int y_offset, int z_offset) { byte[] neighborhood = getNeighborhood(image, p, x_offset, y_offset, z_offset); double avg = 0.0; for(int i = 0; i < neighborhood.length; ++i) { avg += (double)(neighborhood[i] & 255); } return neighborhood.length > 0 ? avg / (double)neighborhood.length : 0.0; } public static byte[] getNeighborhood(ImageStack image, Point p, int x_offset, int y_offset, int z_offset) { byte[] neighborhood = new byte[(2 * x_offset + 1) * (2 * y_offset + 1) * (2 * z_offset + 1)]; int l = 0; for(int k = p.z - x_offset; k < p.z + z_offset; ++k) { for(int j = p.y - y_offset; j < p.y + y_offset; ++j) { for(int i = p.x - x_offset; i < p.x + x_offset; ++l) { neighborhood[l] = getPixel(image, i, j, k); ++i; } } } return neighborhood; } private byte[] getNeighborhood(ImageStack image, Point p) { return this.getNeighborhood(image, p.x, p.y, p.z); } private byte[] getNeighborhood(ImageStack image, int x, int y, int z) { return new byte[]{ getPixel(image, x - 1, y - 1, z - 1), getPixel(image, x, y - 1, z - 1), getPixel(image, x + 1, y - 1, z - 1), getPixel(image, x - 1, y, z - 1), getPixel(image, x, y, z - 1), getPixel(image, x + 1, y, z - 1), getPixel(image, x - 1, y + 1, z - 1), getPixel(image, x, y + 1, z - 1), getPixel(image, x + 1, y + 1, z - 1), getPixel(image, x - 1, y - 1, z), getPixel(image, x, y - 1, z), getPixel(image, x + 1, y - 1, z), getPixel(image, x - 1, y, z), getPixel(image, x, y, z), getPixel(image, x + 1, y, z), getPixel(image, x - 1, y + 1, z), getPixel(image, x, y + 1, z), getPixel(image, x + 1, y + 1, z), getPixel(image, x - 1, y - 1, z + 1), getPixel(image, x, y - 1, z + 1), getPixel(image, x + 1, y - 1, z + 1), getPixel(image, x - 1, y, z + 1), getPixel(image, x, y, z + 1), getPixel(image, x + 1, y, z + 1), getPixel(image, x - 1, y + 1, z + 1), getPixel(image, x, y + 1, z + 1), getPixel(image, x + 1, y + 1, z + 1) }; } public static byte getPixel(ImageStack image, int x, int y, int z) { int width = image.getWidth(); int height = image.getHeight(); int depth = image.getSize(); return x >= 0 && x < width && y >= 0 && y < height && z >= 0 && z < depth ? ((byte[])image.getPixels(z + 1))[x + y * width] : 0; } private short getShortPixel(ImageStack image, int x, int y, int z) { return x >= 0 && x < this.width && y >= 0 && y < this.height && z >= 0 && z < this.depth ? ((short[])image.getPixels(z + 1))[x + y * this.width] : 0; } private short getShortPixel(ImageStack image, Point point) { return this.getShortPixel(image, point.x, point.y, point.z); } private byte getPixel(ImageStack image, Point point) { return getPixel(image, point.x, point.y, point.z); } private void setPixel(ImageStack image, Point p, byte value) { if (p.x >= 0 && p.x < this.width && p.y >= 0 && p.y < this.height && p.z >= 0 && p.z < this.depth) { ((byte[])image.getPixels(p.z + 1))[p.x + p.y * this.width] = value; } } private void setPixel(ImageStack image, int x, int y, int z, byte value) { if (x >= 0 && x < this.width && y >= 0 && y < this.height && z >= 0 && z < this.depth) { ((byte[])image.getPixels(z + 1))[x + y * this.width] = value; } } private void setPixel(ImageStack image, int x, int y, int z, short value) { if (x >= 0 && x < this.width && y >= 0 && y < this.height && z >= 0 && z < this.depth) { ((short[])image.getPixels(z + 1))[x + y * this.width] = value; } } void showAbout() { IJ.showMessage("About AnalyzeSkeleton...", "This plug-in filter analyzes a 2D/3D image skeleton.\n"); } private double warshallAlgorithm(Graph graph) { Vertex v1 = null; Vertex v2 = null; int row = 0; int column = 0; double maxPath = 0.0; int a = 0; int b = 0; ArrayList<Edge> edgeList = graph.getEdges(); ArrayList<Vertex> vertexList = graph.getVertices(); double[][] adjacencyMatrix = new double[vertexList.size()][vertexList.size()]; int[][] predecessorMatrix = new int[vertexList.size()][vertexList.size()]; for(int i = 0; i < vertexList.size(); ++i) { for(int j = 0; j < vertexList.size(); ++j) { adjacencyMatrix[i][j] = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; predecessorMatrix[i][j] = -1; } } for(Edge edge : edgeList) { v1 = edge.getV1(); v2 = edge.getV2(); row = vertexList.indexOf(v1); if (row == -1) { IJ.log("Vertex " + v1.getPoints().get(0) + " not found in the list of vertices!"); } else { column = vertexList.indexOf(v2); if (column == -1) { IJ.log("Vertex " + v2.getPoints().get(0) + " not found in the list of vertices!"); } else { adjacencyMatrix[row][row] = 0.0; adjacencyMatrix[column][column] = 0.0; adjacencyMatrix[row][column] = edge.getLength(); adjacencyMatrix[column][row] = edge.getLength(); predecessorMatrix[row][row] = -1; predecessorMatrix[column][column] = -1; predecessorMatrix[row][column] = row; predecessorMatrix[column][row] = column; } } } for(int k = 0; k < vertexList.size(); ++k) { for(int i = 0; i < vertexList.size(); ++i) { for(int j = 0; j < vertexList.size(); ++j) { if (adjacencyMatrix[i][k] + adjacencyMatrix[k][j] < adjacencyMatrix[i][j]) { adjacencyMatrix[i][j] = adjacencyMatrix[i][k] + adjacencyMatrix[k][j]; predecessorMatrix[i][j] = predecessorMatrix[k][j]; } } } } for(int i = 0; i < vertexList.size(); ++i) { for(int j = 0; j < vertexList.size(); ++j) { if (adjacencyMatrix[i][j] > maxPath && adjacencyMatrix[i][j] != Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) { maxPath = adjacencyMatrix[i][j]; a = i; b = j; } } } this.reconstructPath(predecessorMatrix, a, b, edgeList, vertexList); return maxPath; } private void reconstructPath(int[][] predecessorMatrix, int startIndex, int endIndex, ArrayList<Edge> edgeList, ArrayList<Vertex> vertexList) { this.shortestPathPoints = new ArrayList<>(); int b = endIndex; for(int a = startIndex; b != a; b = predecessorMatrix[a][b]) { Vertex predecessor = vertexList.get(predecessorMatrix[a][b]); Vertex endvertex = vertexList.get(b); ArrayList<Edge> sp_edgeslist = new ArrayList<>(); Double lengthtest = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; Edge shortestedge = null; for(Edge edge : edgeList) { if (edge.getV1() == predecessor && edge.getV2() == endvertex || edge.getV1() == endvertex && edge.getV2() == predecessor) { sp_edgeslist.add(edge); } } for(Edge edge : sp_edgeslist) { if (edge.getLength() < lengthtest) { shortestedge = edge; lengthtest = edge.getLength(); } } for(Point p : shortestedge.getSlabs()) { this.shortestPathPoints.add(p); this.setPixel(this.shortPathImage, p.x, p.y, p.z, SHORTEST_PATH); } } if (this.shortestPathPoints.size() != 0) { this.spx = this.shortestPathPoints.get(0).x; this.spy = this.shortestPathPoints.get(0).y; this.spz = this.shortestPathPoints.get(0).z; } }}