package Xlsx; import Utils.*;import;import;import;import;import java.text.DateFormat;import java.time.LocalDateTime;import java.time.ZoneId;import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;import java.util.Date;import java.util.Locale;import java.util.Arrays;import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.HashMap;import;import; public class SpreadsheetWriter { public static class Sheet { public String name = ""; public RefVector<String> formattedRows = new RefVector<>(String.class); public RefVector<Object[]> valueRows = new RefVector<>(Object[].class); public int colsInWidestRow = 0; } public DateFormat dateFormatter; public DateFormat timeFormatter; public final File parentFolder; public final String fileName; HashMap<String, Integer> stringsMap; RefVector<String> stringsList; int totalStringCount; public RefVector<Sheet> sheets; public int currentSheetIdx = 0; public boolean shouldSaveAfterEveryRow = true; public SpreadsheetWriter(File absPath) { this(absPath.getParentFile(), absPath.getName()); } public SpreadsheetWriter(File parentFolder, String name) { this.parentFolder = parentFolder; this.fileName = name; this.dateFormatter = DateFormat.getDateInstance(2, Locale.US); this.timeFormatter = DateFormat.getTimeInstance(2, Locale.US); this.stringsMap = new HashMap<>(); this.stringsList = new RefVector<>(String.class); this.totalStringCount = 0; this.sheets = new RefVector<>(Sheet.class); this.currentSheetIdx = 0; } public static SpreadsheetWriter fromExistingXlsx(String path) throws IOException { ArrayList<XlsxReader.SheetCells> existingSheets = XlsxReader.loadXlsxFromFile(path); SpreadsheetWriter writer = new SpreadsheetWriter(new File(path)); writer.addSheets(existingSheets); return writer; } public void addSheets(ArrayList<XlsxReader.SheetCells> existingSheets) throws IOException { if (existingSheets == null || existingSheets.isEmpty()) return; boolean wasSaving = this.shouldSaveAfterEveryRow; this.shouldSaveAfterEveryRow = false; for (XlsxReader.SheetCells s : existingSheets) { if (s.rows <= 0 || s.cols <= 0) continue; if (s.cells != null) { for (int i = 0; i < s.rows; i++) writeRowFromObjectArray(s.cells, i * s.cols, s.cols); } else if (s.valueRows != null) { for (int i = 0; i < s.rows; i++) { Object[] row = s.valueRows.buf[i]; writeRowFromObjectArray(row, 0, row.length); } } currentSheetIdx++; } this.shouldSaveAfterEveryRow = wasSaving; } public static String makeColumnNumber(int n) { if (n <= 1) return "A"; byte[] buf = new byte[16]; int idx = buf.length; while (n > 0) { n--; buf[--idx] = (byte)(0x41 + (n % 26)); n /= 26; } return new String(buf, idx, buf.length - idx); } private int lookupOrAddCellString(String str) { Integer idx = stringsMap.get(str); if (idx == null) { int len = stringsList.size; stringsList.add(str); stringsMap.put(str, len); return len; } return idx; } public void writeRow(Object... values) throws IOException { Object[] valuesList = values; writeRowFromObjectArray(valuesList, 0, valuesList.length); } public void writeRowFromObjectArray(Object[] values, int off, int len) throws IOException { int sheetIdx = currentSheetIdx; while (sheetIdx >= sheets.size) sheets.add(new Sheet()); Sheet s = sheets.buf[sheetIdx]; int rowNumber = s.formattedRows.size + 1; ByteVectorOutputStream sb = new ByteVectorOutputStream(); sb.add("<row r=\""); sb.add("" + rowNumber); sb.add("\">"); int colNumber = 0; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { colNumber++; Object value = values[off+i]; if (value == null) continue; sb.add("<c r=\""); sb.add(makeColumnNumber(colNumber)); sb.add("" + rowNumber); sb.add("\""); // set style index here with s="" if (value instanceof Number) { sb.add("><v>"); sb.add(value.toString()); sb.add("</v></c>"); } else { int idx = lookupOrAddCellString(value.toString()); totalStringCount++; sb.add(" t=\"s\"><v>"); sb.add("" + idx); sb.add("</v></c>"); } } sb.add("</row>"); if (colNumber > s.colsInWidestRow) s.colsInWidestRow = colNumber; Object[] valueRow = off == 0 && len == values.length ? values : Arrays.copyOfRange(values, off, off+len); s.valueRows.add(valueRow); s.formattedRows.add(sb.toString()); if (shouldSaveAfterEveryRow) save(); } public void save() throws IOException { ByteVectorOutputStream vector = new ByteVectorOutputStream(); ZipOutputStream zip = new ZipOutputStream(vector); String dateStr ="GMT")).format(DateTimeFormatter.ISO_INSTANT); int sheetCount = sheets.size; for (int i = 0; i < sheetCount; i++) { Sheet s = sheets.buf[i]; if ( == null || = "Sheet" + (i+1); } String[] folders = new String[] { "_rels/", "docProps/", "xl/", "xl/_rels/", "xl/worksheets/" }; for (String folder : folders) { zip.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(folder)); zip.closeEntry(); } writeStringBuilderToZip(zip, "[Content_Types].xml", generateContentTypesXml(sheetCount)); writeStringBuilderToZip(zip, "_rels/.rels", generateTopRelsXml()); writeStringBuilderToZip(zip, "docProps/app.xml", generateAppXml(sheets)); writeStringBuilderToZip(zip, "docProps/core.xml", generateCoreXml("AngioTool-Batch", dateStr)); writeStringBuilderToZip(zip, "xl/_rels/workbook.xml.rels", generateWorkbookRels(sheetCount)); writeStringBuilderToZip(zip, "xl/styles.xml", generateStylesXml()); writeStringBuilderToZip(zip, "xl/workbook.xml", generateWorkbookXml(sheets, dateStr)); writeStringBuilderToZip(zip, "xl/sharedStrings.xml", generateSharedStringsXml(stringsList, totalStringCount)); for (int i = 0; i < sheetCount; i++) writeStringBuilderToZip(zip, "xl/worksheets/sheet" + (i+1) + ".xml", generateSheetXml(sheets.buf[i], dateStr)); zip.close(); File outPath = new File(parentFolder, fileName); FileOutputStream fileStream = new FileOutputStream(outPath); fileStream.write(vector.buf, 0, vector.size); fileStream.close(); } static String escapeXmlString(String input) { ByteVectorOutputStream sb = new ByteVectorOutputStream(); byte[] bytes = input.getBytes(); int start = 0; String esc = null; for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) { byte c = bytes[i]; switch (c) { case '&': esc = "&amp;"; break; case '<': esc = "&lt;"; break; case '>': esc = "&gt;"; break; case '\'': esc = "&apos;"; break; case '"': esc = "&quot;"; break; default: esc = null; } if (esc != null) { if (start < i) sb.add(bytes, start, i - start); sb.add(esc); start = i + 1; } } if (start < bytes.length) sb.add(bytes, start, bytes.length - start); return sb.toString(); } static String generateExcelUuid(String seed) { byte[] seedBytes = seed.getBytes(); long hash1 = murmurHash64a(seedBytes, 0, seedBytes.length, 1337); long hash2 = murmurHash64a(seedBytes, 0, seedBytes.length, 420); byte[] uuid = new byte[36]; int pos = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { long h = i < 16 ? hash1 : hash2; int d = i == 12 ? 4 : (int)((h >>> ((i&15L)*4L)) & 15L); uuid[pos++] = (byte)(d + (d < 10 ? 0x30 : 0x57)); if (i == 7 || i == 11 || i == 15 || i == 19) uuid[pos++] = '-'; } return new String(uuid, 0, 36); } static void writeStringBuilderToZip(ZipOutputStream zip, String path, StringBuilder sb) throws IOException { zip.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(path)); zip.write(sb.toString().getBytes()); } static StringBuilder generateContentTypesXml(int sheetCount) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append( "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?>\n" + "<Types xmlns=\"\">" + "<Default Extension=\"rels\" ContentType=\"application/vnd.openxmlformats-package.relationships+xml\"/>" + "<Default Extension=\"xml\" ContentType=\"application/xml\"/>" + "<Override PartName=\"/xl/workbook.xml\" ContentType=\"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet.main+xml\"/>" ); for (int i = 0; i < sheetCount; i++) { sb.append("<Override PartName=\"/xl/worksheets/sheet"); sb.append(i + 1); sb.append(".xml\" ContentType=\"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.worksheet+xml\"/>"); } sb.append( "<Override PartName=\"/xl/styles.xml\" ContentType=\"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.styles+xml\"/>" + "<Override PartName=\"/xl/sharedStrings.xml\" ContentType=\"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sharedStrings+xml\"/>" + "<Override PartName=\"/docProps/core.xml\" ContentType=\"application/vnd.openxmlformats-package.core-properties+xml\"/>" + "<Override PartName=\"/docProps/app.xml\" ContentType=\"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.extended-properties+xml\"/>" + "</Types>" ); return sb; } static StringBuilder generateTopRelsXml() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append( "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?>\n" + "<Relationships xmlns=\"\">" + "<Relationship Id=\"rId3\" Type=\"\"" + " Target=\"docProps/app.xml\"/>" + "<Relationship Id=\"rId2\" Type=\"\"" + " Target=\"docProps/core.xml\"/>" + "<Relationship Id=\"rId1\" Type=\"\"" + " Target=\"xl/workbook.xml\"/>" + "</Relationships>" ); return sb; } static StringBuilder generateAppXml(RefVector<Sheet> sheets) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int sheetCount = sheets.size; sb.append( "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?>\n" + "<Properties xmlns=\"\"" + " xmlns:vt=\"\">" + "<!-- AngioTool__Batch -->" + "<Application>Microsoft Excel</Application>" + "<DocSecurity>0</DocSecurity>" + "<ScaleCrop>false</ScaleCrop>" + "<HeadingPairs><vt:vector size=\"2\" baseType=\"variant\">" + "<vt:variant><vt:lpstr>Worksheets</vt:lpstr></vt:variant>" + "<vt:variant><vt:i4>" ); sb.append(sheetCount); sb.append("</vt:i4>" + "</vt:variant></vt:vector>" + "</HeadingPairs><TitlesOfParts><vt:vector size=\"" ); sb.append(sheetCount); sb.append("\" baseType=\"lpstr\">"); for (int i = 0; i < sheetCount; i++) { sb.append("<vt:lpstr>"); sb.append(escapeXmlString(sheets.buf[i].name)); sb.append("</vt:lpstr>"); } sb.append( "</vt:vector></TitlesOfParts><Company></Company>" + "<LinksUpToDate>false</LinksUpToDate>" + "<SharedDoc>false</SharedDoc>" + "<HyperlinksChanged>false</HyperlinksChanged>" + "<AppVersion>16.0300</AppVersion></Properties>" ); return sb; } static StringBuilder generateCoreXml(String creator, String dateStr) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?>\n" + "<cp:coreProperties" + " xmlns:cp=\"\"" + " xmlns:dc=\"\"" + " xmlns:dcterms=\"\"" + " xmlns:dcmitype=\"\"" + " xmlns:xsi=\"\">" + "<dc:creator>" ); sb.append(creator); sb.append("</dc:creator><cp:lastModifiedBy>"); sb.append(creator); sb.append("</cp:lastModifiedBy><dcterms:created xsi:type=\"dcterms:W3CDTF\">"); sb.append(dateStr); sb.append("</dcterms:created><dcterms:modified xsi:type=\"dcterms:W3CDTF\">"); sb.append(dateStr); sb.append("</dcterms:modified></cp:coreProperties>"); return sb; } static StringBuilder generateWorkbookRels(int sheetCount) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append( "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?>\n" + "<Relationships xmlns=\"\">" ); for (int i = 0; i < sheetCount; i++) { sb.append("<Relationship Id=\"rId"); sb.append(i + 1); sb.append("\" Type=\"\" Target=\"worksheets/sheet"); sb.append(i + 1); sb.append(".xml\"/>"); } sb.append("<Relationship Id=\"rId"); sb.append(sheetCount + 2); sb.append( "\" Type=\"\"" + " Target=\"sharedStrings.xml\"/>" ); sb.append("<Relationship Id=\"rId"); sb.append(sheetCount + 1); sb.append( "\" Type=\"\"" + " Target=\"styles.xml\"/>" ); sb.append("</Relationships>"); return sb; } static StringBuilder generateStylesXml() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append( "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?>\n" + "<styleSheet" + " xmlns=\"\"" + " xmlns:mc=\"\" mc:Ignorable=\"x14ac x16r2\"" + " xmlns:x14ac=\"\"" + " xmlns:x16r2=\"\">" + "<numFmts count=\"3\">" + "<numFmt numFmtId=\"167\" formatCode=\"&quot;$&quot;#,##0.00_);[Red]\\(&quot;$&quot;#,##0.00\\)\"/>" + "<numFmt numFmtId=\"173\" formatCode=\"#,##0.00;[Red]\\-#,##0.00\"/>" + "<numFmt numFmtId=\"174\" formatCode=\"&quot;$&quot;#,##0.00;[Red]\\(&quot;$&quot;#,##0.00\\)\"/>" + "</numFmts>" + "<fonts count=\"3\" x14ac:knownFonts=\"1\">" + "<font><sz val=\"11\"/><color theme=\"1\"/><name val=\"Calibri\"/><family val=\"2\"/><scheme val=\"minor\"/></font>" + "<font><b/><sz val=\"11\"/><color theme=\"1\"/><name val=\"Calibri\"/><family val=\"2\"/><scheme val=\"minor\"/></font>" + "<font><b/><sz val=\"16\"/><color theme=\"1\"/><name val=\"Calibri\"/><family val=\"2\"/><scheme val=\"minor\"/></font>" + "</fonts>" + "<fills count=\"2\">" + "<fill><patternFill patternType=\"none\"/></fill>" + "<fill><patternFill patternType=\"gray125\"/></fill>" + "</fills>" + "<borders count=\"1\">" + "<border><left/><right/><top/><bottom/><diagonal/></border>" + "</borders>" + "<cellStyleXfs count=\"1\">" + "<xf numFmtId=\"0\" fontId=\"0\" fillId=\"0\" borderId=\"0\"/>" + "</cellStyleXfs>" + "<cellXfs count=\"7\">" + "<xf numFmtId=\"0\" fontId=\"0\" fillId=\"0\" borderId=\"0\" xfId=\"0\"/>" + "<xf numFmtId=\"173\" fontId=\"0\" fillId=\"0\" borderId=\"0\" xfId=\"0\" applyNumberFormat=\"1\"/>" + "<xf numFmtId=\"174\" fontId=\"0\" fillId=\"0\" borderId=\"0\" xfId=\"0\" applyNumberFormat=\"1\"/>" + "<xf numFmtId=\"0\" fontId=\"0\" fillId=\"0\" borderId=\"0\" xfId=\"0\" applyAlignment=\"1\">" + "<alignment horizontal=\"right\"/>" + "</xf>" + "<xf numFmtId=\"0\" fontId=\"0\" fillId=\"0\" borderId=\"0\" xfId=\"0\" applyAlignment=\"1\">" + "<alignment horizontal=\"center\"/>" + "</xf>" + "<xf numFmtId=\"0\" fontId=\"1\" fillId=\"0\" borderId=\"0\" xfId=\"0\" applyFont=\"1\" applyAlignment=\"1\">" + "<alignment horizontal=\"center\"/>" + "</xf>" + "<xf numFmtId=\"0\" fontId=\"2\" fillId=\"0\" borderId=\"0\" xfId=\"0\" applyFont=\"1\" applyAlignment=\"1\">" + "<alignment horizontal=\"center\"/>" + "</xf>" + "</cellXfs>" + "<cellStyles count=\"1\">" + "<cellStyle name=\"Normal\" xfId=\"0\" builtinId=\"0\"/>" + "</cellStyles>" + "<dxfs count=\"0\"/>" + "<tableStyles count=\"0\" defaultTableStyle=\"TableStyleMedium2\" defaultPivotStyle=\"PivotStyleLight16\"/>" + "<extLst>" + "<ext uri=\"{EB79DEF2-80B8-43e5-95BD-54CBDDF9020C}\" xmlns:x14=\"\">" + "<x14:slicerStyles defaultSlicerStyle=\"SlicerStyleLight1\"/>" + "</ext>" + "<ext uri=\"{9260A510-F301-46a8-8635-F512D64BE5F5}\" xmlns:x15=\"\">" + "<x15:timelineStyles defaultTimelineStyle=\"TimeSlicerStyleLight1\"/>" + "</ext>" + "</extLst>" + "</styleSheet>" ); return sb; } static StringBuilder generateWorkbookXml(RefVector<Sheet> sheets, String dateStr) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append( "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?>\n" + "<workbook" + " xmlns=\"\"" + " xmlns:r=\"\"" + " xmlns:mc=\"\"" + " mc:Ignorable=\"x15 xr xr6 xr10 xr2\"" + " xmlns:x15=\"\"" + " xmlns:xr=\"\"" + " xmlns:xr6=\"\"" + " xmlns:xr10=\"\"" + " xmlns:xr2=\"\">" + "<fileVersion appName=\"xl\" lastEdited=\"7\" lowestEdited=\"7\" rupBuild=\"27029\"/>" + "<workbookPr defaultThemeVersion=\"166925\"/>" + "<xr:revisionPtr revIDLastSave=\"0\" documentId=\"8_{" ); sb.append(generateExcelUuid(dateStr + "_workbook_xml_1")); sb.append( "}\" xr6:coauthVersionLast=\"47\" xr6:coauthVersionMax=\"47\"" + " xr10:uidLastSave=\"{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}\"/>" + "<bookViews>" + "<workbookView xWindow=\"2652\" yWindow=\"2652\" windowWidth=\"17280\" windowHeight=\"8964\" xr2:uid=\"{" ); sb.append(generateExcelUuid(dateStr + "_workbook_xml_2")); sb.append("}\"/></bookViews><sheets>"); int sheetCount = sheets.size; for (int i = 0; i < sheetCount; i++) { sb.append("<sheet name=\""); sb.append(escapeXmlString(sheets.buf[i].name)); sb.append("\" sheetId=\""); sb.append(i + 1); sb.append("\" r:id=\"rId"); sb.append(i + 1); sb.append("\"/>"); } sb.append( "</sheets>" + "<calcPr calcId=\"191029\"/>" + "<extLst>" + "<ext uri=\"{140A7094-0E35-4892-8432-C4D2E57EDEB5}\" xmlns:x15=\"\">" + "<x15:workbookPr chartTrackingRefBase=\"1\"/>" + "</ext>" + "<ext uri=\"{B58B0392-4F1F-4190-BB64-5DF3571DCE5F}\" xmlns:xcalcf=\"\">" + "<xcalcf:calcFeatures>" + "<xcalcf:feature name=\"\"/>" + "<xcalcf:feature name=\"\"/>" + "<xcalcf:feature name=\"\"/>" + "<xcalcf:feature name=\"\"/>" + "<xcalcf:feature name=\"\"/>" + "<xcalcf:feature name=\"\"/>" + "<xcalcf:feature name=\"\"/>" + "</xcalcf:calcFeatures>" + "</ext>" + "</extLst>" + "</workbook>" ); return sb; } static StringBuilder generateSharedStringsXml(RefVector<String> uniqueStrings, int nTotalStrings) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append( "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?>\n" + "<sst xmlns=\"\" count=\"" ); sb.append(nTotalStrings); sb.append("\" uniqueCount=\""); sb.append(uniqueStrings.size); sb.append("\">"); for (String str : uniqueStrings) { sb.append("<si><t>"); sb.append(escapeXmlString(str)); sb.append("</t></si>"); } sb.append("</sst>"); return sb; } static StringBuilder generateSheetXml(Sheet sheet, String dateStr) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append( "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?>\n" + "<worksheet" + " xmlns=\"\"" + " xmlns:r=\"\"" + " xmlns:mc=\"\"" + " mc:Ignorable=\"x14ac xr xr2 xr3\"" + " xmlns:x14ac=\"\"" + " xmlns:xr=\"\"" + " xmlns:xr2=\"\"" + " xmlns:xr3=\"\"" + " xr:uid=\"{" ); sb.append(generateExcelUuid(dateStr + "_sheet_" +; sb.append( "}\">" + "<dimension ref=\"A1:" ); sb.append(makeColumnNumber(sheet.colsInWidestRow)); sb.append(sheet.formattedRows.size + 1); sb.append( "\"/>" + "<sheetViews>" + "<sheetView workbookViewId=\"0\">" + "<selection activeCell=\"A1\" sqref=\"A1\"/>" + "</sheetView>" + "</sheetViews>" + "<sheetFormatPr defaultRowHeight=\"14.4\" x14ac:dyDescent=\"0.3\"/>" ); // maybe add <cols>...</cols> to specify column widths sb.append("<sheetData>"); for (String row : sheet.formattedRows) sb.append(row); sb.append("</sheetData>"); // <mergeCells>...</mergeCells> goes here sb.append( "<pageMargins left=\"0.7\" right=\"0.7\" top=\"0.75\" bottom=\"0.75\" header=\"0.3\" footer=\"0.3\"/>" + "</worksheet>" ); return sb; } static long murmurHash64a(byte[] key, int off, int len, long seed) { if (off < 0 || len <= 0 || off+len > key.length) return 0L; final long m = 0xc6a4a7935bd1e995L; final int r = 47; long h = seed ^ ((long)len * m); int blocks = len >> 3; for (int i = 0; i < len - 7; i += 8) { long k = (key[off+i] & 0xffL) | ((key[off+i+1] & 0xffL) << 8L) | ((key[off+i+2] & 0xffL) << 16L) | ((key[off+i+3] & 0xffL) << 24L) | ((key[off+i+4] & 0xffL) << 32L) | ((key[off+i+5] & 0xffL) << 40L) | ((key[off+i+6] & 0xffL) << 48L) | ((key[off+i+7] & 0xffL) << 56L); k *= m; k ^= k >>> r; k *= m; h ^= k; h *= m; } int tail = off + (blocks << 3); switch (len & 7) { case 7: h ^= (key[tail+6] & 0xffL) << 48L; case 6: h ^= (key[tail+5] & 0xffL) << 40L; case 5: h ^= (key[tail+4] & 0xffL) << 32L; case 4: h ^= (key[tail+3] & 0xffL) << 24L; case 3: h ^= (key[tail+2] & 0xffL) << 16L; case 2: h ^= (key[tail+1] & 0xffL) << 8L; case 1: h ^= (key[tail] & 0xffL); h *= m; }; h ^= h >>> r; h *= m; h ^= h >>> r; return h; }}