#!/bin/python import urllib.request import xml.etree.ElementTree as xml_parser repo_url = "https://dl.google.com/android/repository/repository2-1.xml" html_title = "Android SDK Packages" def download(url): response = "" retries = 10 while not response: try: with urllib.request.urlopen(url) as f: if f.status != 200: continue response = str(f.read(), "utf8") break except: if retries > 0: time.sleep(0.5) retries -= 1 else: return None return response def extract_file_list(repo_xml): root = xml_parser.fromstring(repo_xml) filenames = [] for pack in root.findall("remotePackage"): archives = pack.find("archives") if archives is None: continue for a in archives.findall("archive"): url = a.find("complete/url") if url is None: continue fname = url.text first_dot = fname.find(".") if first_dot < 0: continue if first_dot > 32: starts_with_hash = True for i in range(first_dot): c = ord(fname[i]) if (c < 0x30 or c > 0x39) and (c < 0x41 or c > 0x46) and (c < 0x61 or c > 0x66): starts_with_hash = False break if starts_with_hash: fname = fname[first_dot+1:] filenames.append(fname) return filenames def main(): repo_xml = download(repo_url) if not repo_xml: print("Failed to get " + repo_url) return sdk_filenames = extract_file_list(repo_xml) html = """ {0}


\n\n" with open("sdk-package-list.html", "w") as f: f.write(html) main()