using System; using System.IO; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Drawing; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.ComponentModel; namespace SpriteWave { public partial class MainForm : Form { public InputWindow inputWnd; public SpriteWindow spriteWnd; public ToolBox toolBox; private Dictionary _formatList; private DragObject _drag; private bool _tempSpriteSel = false; private EventPair[] _sendTileEvents; public delegate void TileAction(TileWindow tw); public MainForm() { _formatList = new Dictionary(); _formatList[FormatKind.NES] = new FileFormat( "NES", Utils.TileType("NESTile"), new string[] { "nes", "fds", "chr", "bin" }, new ColorList(Utils.NESPalette, Utils.NESDefSel) ); _formatList[FormatKind.SNES] = new FileFormat( "SNES", Utils.TileType("SNESTile"), new string[] { "smc", "sfc", "chr", "bin" }, new ColorPattern(Utils.SNESRGBAOrderAndDepth, Utils.SNESDefSel) ); _formatList[FormatKind.MD] = new FileFormat( "Genesis", Utils.TileType("MDTile"), new string[] { "smd", "md", "bin" }, new ColorPattern(Utils.MDRGBAOrderAndDepth, Utils.MDDefSel) ); InitializeComponent(); string filter = ""; foreach (var fmt in _formatList) filter += fmt.Value.Filter; filter = filter.Remove(filter.Length-1); this.openFileDialog1.Filter = filter; inputWnd = new InputWindow(this); spriteWnd = new SpriteWindow(this); toolBox = new ToolBox(this, inputWnd); // Setup MainForm events this.KeyPreview = true; this.KeyUp += this.keyUpHandler; this.KeyDown += this.keysHandler; this.Resize += this.catchWindowState; this.Layout += this.layoutHandler; Utils.ApplyRecursiveControlFunc(this, this.ConfigureControls); _sendTileEvents = new[] { new EventPair("Click", (s, e) => { CopyTile(inputWnd); PasteTile(spriteWnd); _tempSpriteSel = true; }), new EventPair("MouseEnter", (s, e) => { _tempSpriteSel = spriteWnd.Selected; spriteWnd.Selected = true; spriteWnd.Draw(); }), new EventPair("MouseLeave", (s, e) => { spriteWnd.Selected = _tempSpriteSel; spriteWnd.Draw(); }) }; UpdateMinimumSize(); inputWnd.Focus(this); } private void Draw() { inputWnd.Draw(); spriteWnd.Draw(); } public void CopyTile(TileWindow wnd) { wnd.Selected = true; Transfer.Source = wnd.CurrentSelection(); Transfer.Start(); } public void PasteTile(TileWindow wnd) { wnd.Selected = true; Transfer.Dest = wnd.CurrentSelection(); Transfer.Paste(); if (wnd == spriteWnd && Transfer.Completed) toolBox.Switch = true; Draw(); } private void SwapTile(TileWindow wnd) { wnd.Selected = true; Transfer.Dest = wnd.CurrentSelection(); Transfer.Swap(); Draw(); } private void ClearSelection() { inputWnd.Selected = false; spriteWnd.Selected = false; Transfer.Clear(); } private void SetSample(Tile t) { inputWnd.TileSample = t; this.PerformLayout(); } public object ConfigureControls(Control ctrl, object args) { ctrl.TabStop = false; ctrl.MouseDown += this.mouseDownHandler; ctrl.MouseMove += this.mouseMoveHandler; ctrl.MouseUp += this.mouseUpHandler; return null; } private void StartDrag(TileWindow wnd, int x, int y) { Transfer.Dest = null; try { _drag = new DragObject(wnd, x, y); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { _drag = null; ClearSelection(); SetSample(null); } if (_drag != null && wnd == inputWnd) { Tile t = _drag.Current().Piece as Tile; if (t != null) SetSample(t); } } private void ShowMenuAt(TileWindow wnd, int x, int y) { bool wasOob; wnd.Position = wnd.GetPosition(x, y, out wasOob); if (wasOob) { ClearSelection(); SetSample(null); return; } if (wnd == inputWnd) SetSample(inputWnd.PieceAt(inputWnd.Position) as Tile); Transfer.Source = wnd.CurrentSelection(); if (wnd.EdgeOf(wnd.Position) == EdgeKind.None) wnd.ShowMenu(x, y); } private object FindControlWithMouse(Control c, object args) { if (c.HasMouse()) args = c; return args; } private void mouseMoveHandler(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { var startCtrl = sender as Control; var curCtrl = Utils.ApplyRecursiveControlFunc(this, FindControlWithMouse) as Control; TileWindow wnd = null; if (inputWnd.WindowIs(curCtrl)) wnd = inputWnd; else if (spriteWnd.WindowIs(curCtrl)) wnd = spriteWnd; int x = 0, y = 0; if (_drag != null && _drag.IsEdge) { x = e.X; y = e.Y; } else if (wnd != null) { // When the mouse is held, e.X and e.Y are relative to startCtrl.Location Point toCur = new Point( curCtrl.Location.X - startCtrl.Location.X, curCtrl.Location.Y - startCtrl.Location.Y ); x = e.X - toCur.X; y = e.Y - toCur.Y; } bool changed; if (_drag == null) { if (wnd == spriteWnd) changed = spriteWnd.HighlightEdgeAt(x, y); else changed = spriteWnd.ClearMousedEdge(); } else { Selection sel = _drag.Update(wnd, x, y); if (Transfer.Dest == null) changed = sel != null; else changed = !Transfer.Dest.Equals(sel); Transfer.Dest = sel; } if (wnd != null && changed) wnd.Draw(); } bool _mouseHeld = false; private void mouseDownHandler(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (_mouseHeld) return; var ctrl = sender as Control; if (ctrl is TabControl) { toolBox.RefreshTab(); this.PerformLayout(); } else if (_drag == null) { if (ctrl is PictureBox) this.ActiveControl = ctrl; TileWindow wnd = null; if (inputWnd.WindowIs(ctrl)) wnd = inputWnd; else if (spriteWnd.WindowIs(ctrl)) wnd = spriteWnd; if (wnd != null) { if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) StartDrag(wnd, e.X, e.Y); else if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right) ShowMenuAt(wnd, e.X, e.Y); } } _mouseHeld = true; Draw(); } private void mouseUpHandler(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (_drag != null) { if (_drag.Started) { _drag.End(); if ((Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Shift) != 0) Transfer.Swap(); else Transfer.Paste(); if (!Transfer.Completed) SetSample(null); else if (Transfer.Dest.Window == spriteWnd) toolBox.Switch = true; ClearSelection(); } else { Transfer.Source = _drag.Cancel(); } } _drag = null; _mouseHeld = false; Draw(); } private bool _keyHeld = false; private void keyUpHandler(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { _keyHeld = false; } private void keysHandler(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (_drag != null) { _keyHeld = true; return; } Control active = Utils.FindActiveControl(this); // ugly as heck if (!_keyHeld && (e.KeyCode == Keys.Escape || e.KeyCode == Keys.ControlKey)) { if (!(active is TextBox)) { if (Transfer.Source != null || Transfer.Dest != null) { ClearSelection(); SetSample(null); } else if (toolBox.IsOpen && e.KeyCode == Keys.Escape) { if (!toolBox.HandleEscapeKey(this)) { toolBox.Minimise(); this.PerformLayout(); } } } inputWnd.Focus(this); } if (active is TextBox) { Draw(); _keyHeld = true; return; } if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Delete) { spriteWnd.EraseTile(); } if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter) { CopyTile(inputWnd); PasteTile(spriteWnd); spriteWnd.MoveSelection(1, 0); spriteWnd.Draw(); } Keys mod = Control.ModifierKeys; if ((mod & Keys.Control) != 0) { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.G && inputWnd.IsActive) { toolBox.CurrentWindow = inputWnd; toolBox.Select("Controls"); if (!toolBox.IsOpen) toolBox.Minimise(); spriteWnd.Centre(); this.PerformLayout(); this.ActiveControl = toolBox.GetControl("inputOffset"); } if (e.KeyCode == Keys.D0) spriteWnd.Centre(); int zoom = 0; if (e.KeyCode == Keys.OemMinus) zoom = -1; else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Oemplus) zoom = 1; if (zoom != 0) spriteWnd.ZoomIn(zoom); Action moveEdge = spriteWnd.InsertEdge; if ((mod & Keys.Shift) != 0) moveEdge = spriteWnd.DeleteEdge; if (e.KeyCode == Keys.I) moveEdge(EdgeKind.Top); else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.K) moveEdge(EdgeKind.Bottom); else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.J) moveEdge(EdgeKind.Left); else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.L) moveEdge(EdgeKind.Right); Draw(); } else if ((mod & Keys.Shift) != 0) { bool swap = true; int x = 0, y = 0; if (e.KeyCode == Keys.I) y = -1; else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.K) y = 1; else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.J) x = -1; else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.L) x = 1; else swap = false; if (swap) { CopyTile(spriteWnd); spriteWnd.MoveSelection(x, y); SwapTile(spriteWnd); } if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Tab) { if (!toolBox.IsOpen) toolBox.Minimise(); SwitchToolBoxWindow(); } } else { bool move = true; if (e.KeyCode == Keys.W) inputWnd.MoveSelection(0, -1); else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.S) inputWnd.MoveSelection(0, 1); else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.A) inputWnd.MoveSelection(-1, 0); else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.D) inputWnd.MoveSelection(1, 0); else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.I) spriteWnd.MoveSelection(0, -1); else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.K) spriteWnd.MoveSelection(0, 1); else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.J) spriteWnd.MoveSelection(-1, 0); else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.L) spriteWnd.MoveSelection(1, 0); else move = false; if (move) { Transfer.Source = inputWnd.CurrentSelection(); Transfer.Dest = spriteWnd.CurrentSelection(); Draw(); } if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Tab) { if (!toolBox.IsOpen) toolBox.Minimise(); else { toolBox.Cycle(1); toolBox.RefreshTab(); spriteWnd.Centre(); } this.PerformLayout(); } } _keyHeld = true; } /* Thank you StackOverflow! */ FormWindowState _prevState = FormWindowState.Minimized; private void catchWindowState(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.WindowState != _prevState) { _prevState = this.WindowState; spriteWnd.Centre(); spriteWnd.Draw(); } } private void UpdateMinimumSize() { int minW = inputWnd.ScrollYWidth + spriteWnd.ScrollYWidth + (toolBox.Minimum.Width * 2); this.MinimumSize = new Size(minW, this.MinimumSize.Height); } private void layoutHandler(object sender, LayoutEventArgs e) { int totalH = this.ClientSize.Height; int menuH = this.menuStrip1.Height; int tileBoxW = this.ClientSize.Width / 2; var tbLayout = ToolBoxOrientation.None; TileWindow tbWnd = toolBox.CurrentWindow; if (tbWnd == inputWnd) tbLayout = ToolBoxOrientation.Left; else if (tbWnd == spriteWnd) tbLayout = ToolBoxOrientation.Right; inputWnd.UpdateLayout(0, tileBoxW, totalH, menuH); spriteWnd.UpdateLayout(tileBoxW, tileBoxW, totalH, menuH); toolBox.UpdateLayout(tbLayout, this.ClientSize); if (toolBox.IsActive && tbWnd != null) { int wndMaxH = totalH - (menuH + tbWnd.ScrollXHeight); tbWnd.ReduceWindowTo(wndMaxH - toolBox.Minimum.Height); } UpdateMinimumSize(); inputWnd.UpdateBars(); spriteWnd.UpdateBars(); Draw(); } public bool SwitchToolBoxWindow() { TileWindow wnd; if (toolBox.CurrentWindow == inputWnd) wnd = spriteWnd; else if (toolBox.CurrentWindow == spriteWnd) wnd = inputWnd; else return false; if (!wnd.IsActive) return false; toolBox.CurrentWindow = wnd; this.PerformLayout(); spriteWnd.Centre(); spriteWnd.Draw(); return true; } private void openRom(FormatKind format) { openFileDialog1.FilterIndex = (int)format + 1; openFileDialog1.ShowDialog(); } private void closeWorkspace(object sender, EventArgs e) { Transfer.Clear(); inputWnd.Close(this); spriteWnd.Close(this); toolBox.IsActive = false; this.PerformLayout(); } private void quit(object sender, EventArgs e) { Application.Exit(); } private void editColorTable(object sender, EventArgs e) { var pal = inputWnd.Collage.Format.ColorTable as IPalette; if (pal != null) new ColorPicker(this, 256, pal, -1).Show(this); } private void openFileDialog1FileOk(object sender, CancelEventArgs e) { _keyHeld = false; // the hackiest hack var kind = (FormatKind)(openFileDialog1.FilterIndex - 1); var data = File.ReadAllBytes(openFileDialog1.FileName); FileFormat fmt = _formatList[kind]; closeWorkspace(null, null); this.colorTableToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = fmt.ColorTable is ColorList; inputWnd.Load(this, fmt, data); Control c = Utils.FindControl(inputWnd["Controls"].Panel, "inputSend"); Utils.ApplyEvents(c, _sendTileEvents); spriteWnd.FormatToLoad = fmt; spriteWnd.Prompt = "Drag or send a tile to begin!"; inputWnd.ToggleMenu(true); spriteWnd.EnablePaste(); toolBox.Activate(inputWnd); this.PerformLayout(); } private ColorPicker _picker; public void OpenColorPicker(IPalette pal, int palIdx) { if (pal == null) return; if (_picker == null) { _picker = new ColorPicker(this, 256, pal, palIdx); _picker.Show(this); } else { _picker.SelectColorFrom(pal, palIdx); if (_picker.WindowState == FormWindowState.Minimized) _picker.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal; } } public void ClearColorPicker() { _picker = null; (toolBox["Palette"] as PaletteTab).HandleEscapeKey(this); } } }