package Pixels; import Utils.*; import java.awt.image.*; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.MappedByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.FileSystems; import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption; import java.util.ArrayList; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; public class ImageFile { public static void releaseImage(ArgbBuffer image) { image.pixels = IntBufferPool.release(image.pixels); } public static ArgbBuffer acquireImageForAnalysis( String absPath, double resizeFactor ) throws IOException { File file = new File(absPath); ArgbBuffer image = acquireImage(null, file); if (image == null) return null; int width = Math.max((int)(image.width * resizeFactor), 1); int height = Math.max((int)(image.height * resizeFactor), 1); int area = width * height; long redTally = 0; long greenTally = 0; long blueTally = 0; int[] resizedPixels = null; int[] inputPixels = image.pixels; int originalWidth = image.width; int originalHeight = image.height; if (resizeFactor < 1.0) { float[] samples = FloatBufferPool.acquireZeroed((width + 1) * (height + 1) * 4); double xAdv = width > 1 ? (double)(width - 1) / (double)(originalWidth - 1) : 0.0; double yAdv = height > 1 ? (double)(height - 1) / (double)(originalHeight - 1) : 0.0; for (int y = 0; y < originalHeight; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < originalWidth; x++) { double xx = 0.5 + (xAdv * x); double yy = 0.5 + (yAdv * y); double xFrac = xx - Math.floor(xx); double yFrac = yy - Math.floor(yy); float xNeigh = (float)Math.abs(xFrac - 0.5); float yNeigh = (float)Math.abs(yFrac - 0.5); int x2 = (int)(xFrac - 0.5) * 2 + 1 + (int)xx; int y2 = (int)(yFrac - 0.5) * 2 + 1 + (int)yy; int a = (int)xx + width * (int)yy; int b = x2 + width * (int)yy; int c = (int)xx + width * y2; int d = x2 + width * y2; float redValue = (float)((inputPixels[x + originalWidth * y] >>> 16) & 0xff); float greenValue = (float)((inputPixels[x + originalWidth * y] >>> 8) & 0xff); float blueValue = (float)(inputPixels[x + originalWidth * y] & 0xff); float fA = (1.0f - xNeigh) * (1.0f - yNeigh); samples[a*4] += redValue * fA; samples[a*4+1] += greenValue * fA; samples[a*4+2] += blueValue * fA; samples[a*4+3] += fA; float fB = xNeigh * (1.0f - yNeigh); samples[b*4] += redValue * fB; samples[b*4+1] += greenValue * fB; samples[b*4+2] += blueValue * fB; samples[b*4+3] += fB; float fC = (1.0f - xNeigh) * yNeigh; samples[c*4] += redValue * fC; samples[c*4+1] += greenValue * fC; samples[c*4+2] += blueValue * fC; samples[c*4+3] += fC; float fD = xNeigh * yNeigh; samples[d*4] += redValue * fD; samples[d*4+1] += greenValue * fD; samples[d*4+2] += blueValue * fD; samples[d*4+3] += fD; } } resizedPixels = IntBufferPool.acquireAsIs(area); for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { int idx = 4 * (x + width * y); float weight = 1.0f / samples[idx+3]; int r = Math.min(Math.max((int)(samples[idx] * weight), 0), 255); int g = Math.min(Math.max((int)(samples[idx+1] * weight), 0), 255); int b = Math.min(Math.max((int)(samples[idx+2] * weight), 0), 255); redTally += r; greenTally += g; blueTally += b; resizedPixels[idx >> 2] = 0xff000000 | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b; } } FloatBufferPool.release(samples); } else if (resizeFactor > 1.0) { resizedPixels = IntBufferPool.acquireAsIs(area); double xAdv = width > 1 ? (double)(originalWidth - 1) / (double)(width - 1) : 0.0; double yAdv = height > 1 ? (double)(originalHeight - 1) / (double)(height - 1) : 0.0; for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { double xx = 0.5 + (xAdv * x); double yy = 0.5 + (yAdv * y); double xFrac = xx - Math.floor(xx); double yFrac = yy - Math.floor(yy); float xNeigh = (float)Math.abs(xFrac - 0.5); float yNeigh = (float)Math.abs(yFrac - 0.5); int x1 = Math.min(Math.max((int)xx, 0), originalWidth-1); int y1 = Math.min(Math.max((int)yy, 0), originalHeight-1); int x2 = Math.min(Math.max((int)(xFrac - 0.5) * 2 + 1 + (int)xx, 0), originalWidth-1); int y2 = Math.min(Math.max((int)(yFrac - 0.5) * 2 + 1 + (int)yy, 0), originalHeight-1); int a = inputPixels[x1 + originalWidth * y1]; int b = inputPixels[x2 + originalWidth * y1]; int c = inputPixels[x1 + originalWidth * y2]; int d = inputPixels[x2 + originalWidth * y2]; float redValue = (1.0f - xNeigh) * (1.0f - yNeigh) * ((a >> 16) & 0xff) + xNeigh * (1.0f - yNeigh) * ((b >> 16) & 0xff) + (1.0f - xNeigh) * yNeigh * ((c >> 16) & 0xff) + xNeigh * yNeigh * ((d >> 16) & 0xff); float blueValue = (1.0f - xNeigh) * (1.0f - yNeigh) * (a & 0xff) + xNeigh * (1.0f - yNeigh) * (b & 0xff) + (1.0f - xNeigh) * yNeigh * (c & 0xff) + xNeigh * yNeigh * (d & 0xff); float greenValue = (1.0f - xNeigh) * (1.0f - yNeigh) * ((a >> 8) & 0xff) + xNeigh * (1.0f - yNeigh) * ((b >> 8) & 0xff) + (1.0f - xNeigh) * yNeigh * ((c >> 8) & 0xff) + xNeigh * yNeigh * ((d >> 8) & 0xff); int rr = Math.min(Math.max((int)redValue, 0), 255); int gg = Math.min(Math.max((int)greenValue, 0), 255); int bb = Math.min(Math.max((int)blueValue, 0), 255); redTally += rr; greenTally += gg; blueTally += bb; resizedPixels[x+width*y] = 0xff000000 | (rr << 16) | (gg << 8) | bb; } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < area; i++) { int r = (inputPixels[i] >> 16) & 0xff; int g = (inputPixels[i] >> 8) & 0xff; int b = inputPixels[i] & 0xff; redTally += r; greenTally += g; blueTally += b; inputPixels[i] |= 0xff000000; } } int brightestChannel; if (redTally >= greenTally && redTally >= blueTally) brightestChannel = 0; else if (greenTally >= blueTally) brightestChannel = 1; else brightestChannel = 2; if (resizedPixels != null) { IntBufferPool.release(image.pixels); image.pixels = resizedPixels; } image.width = width; image.height = height; image.brightestChannel = brightestChannel; return image; } static ArgbBuffer acquireImage(ArgbBuffer existingImage, File file) throws IOException { ArgbBuffer input = null; IOException firstException = null; String fileName = file.getName(); int fileNameLen = fileName.length(); // Don't bother loading Windows thumbnail caches if (fileName.endsWith("Thumbs.db")) return null; if (fileName.endsWith(".tif") || fileName.endsWith(".tiff") || (fileName.charAt(fileNameLen - 3) == 'p' && fileName.charAt(fileNameLen - 1) == 'm')) { try { input = acquireTiffOrNetpbm(existingImage, file); } catch (IOException ex) { firstException = ex; } if (input == null) { System.err.println("Loading " + file.getAbsolutePath() + " with custom reader failed, abdicating to ImageIO"); input = acquireFromImageIO(existingImage, file); } } else { try { input = acquireFromImageIO(existingImage, file); } catch (IOException ex) { firstException = ex; } if (input == null) input = acquireTiffOrNetpbm(existingImage, file); } if (input != null) return input; if (firstException != null) throw firstException; return null; } static ArgbBuffer acquireFromImageIO(ArgbBuffer existingImage, File file) throws IOException { BufferedImage javaImage =; if (javaImage == null) return null; int width = javaImage.getWidth(); int height = javaImage.getHeight(); if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) return null; int[] pixels = IntBufferPool.acquireAsIs(width * height); javaImage.getRGB(0, 0, width, height, pixels, 0, width); if (existingImage == null) return new ArgbBuffer(pixels, width, height); existingImage.pixels = pixels; existingImage.width = width; existingImage.height = height; return existingImage; } static ArgbBuffer acquireTiffOrNetpbm(ArgbBuffer existingImage, File file) throws IOException { int[] inputPixels = null; int width = 0; int height = 0; FileInputStream fis = null; FileChannel fc = null; try { fis = new FileInputStream(file); fc = fis.getChannel(); ByteBuffer magic = ByteBuffer.allocate(2);; magic.position(0); byte m0 = magic.get(); byte m1 = magic.get(); fc.position(0); RefVector images = null; try { if (m0 == 'P' && ((m1 >= '0' && m1 <= '7') || m1 == 'F' || m1 == 'f')) images = NetpbmReader.acquireArgbImages(fc, 1); else if ((m0 == 'M' && m1 == 'M') || (m0 == 'I' && m1 == 'I')) images = TiffReader.acquireArgbImages(fc, 1); } catch (Throwable t) { System.err.println(file.getAbsolutePath()); t.printStackTrace(); if (t instanceof IOException) throw (IOException)t; } if (images == null || images.size <= 0) return null; inputPixels = images.buf[0]; width = inputPixels[inputPixels.length - 2]; height = inputPixels[inputPixels.length - 1]; //System.out.println("Obtained " + width + " x " + height); } finally { if (fc != null) { try { fc.close(); } catch (IOException ignored) {} } if (fis != null) { try { fis.close(); } catch (IOException ignored) {} } } if (inputPixels == null || width <= 0 || height <= 0) return null; if (existingImage == null) return new ArgbBuffer(inputPixels, width, height); existingImage.pixels = inputPixels; existingImage.width = width; existingImage.height = height; return existingImage; } public static void saveImage(ArgbBuffer image, String format, String absPath) throws IOException { if (format.length() == 3 && format.charAt(0) == 'p' && format.charAt(2) == 'm') { writePpm24(image.pixels, image.width, image.height, absPath); } else if ("tif".equals(format) || "tiff".equals(format)) { writeUncompressedTiff(image.pixels, image.width, image.height, absPath); } else { BufferedImage javaImage = new BufferedImage(image.width, image.height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); int[] outPixels = ((DataBufferInt)javaImage.getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData(); System.arraycopy(image.pixels, 0, outPixels, 0, image.width * image.height); boolean foundWriter = ImageIO.write(javaImage, format, new File(absPath)); if (!foundWriter) throw new UnsupportedEncodingException("Failed to write image: unsupported format type \"" + format + "\""); } } public static void saveImage( BufferedImage javaImage, DataBufferInt dataBuffer, String format, String absPath ) throws IOException { if (format.length() == 3 && format.charAt(0) == 'p' && format.charAt(2) == 'm') { int[] pixels = dataBuffer.getData(); writePpm24(pixels, javaImage.getWidth(), javaImage.getHeight(), absPath); } else if ("tif".equals(format) || "tiff".equals(format)) { int[] pixels = dataBuffer.getData(); writeUncompressedTiff(pixels, javaImage.getWidth(), javaImage.getHeight(), absPath); } else { boolean foundWriter = ImageIO.write(javaImage, format, new File(absPath)); if (!foundWriter) throw new UnsupportedEncodingException("Failed to write image: unsupported format type \"" + format + "\""); } } public static BufferedImage openAsJavaImage(String absolutePath) { try { return File(absolutePath)); } catch (IOException ignored) {} return null; } public static void writeUncompressedTiff( int[] pixels, int width, int height, String absPath ) throws IOException { OutputStream out = Files.newOutputStream( FileSystems.getDefault().getPath("", absPath), StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.WRITE ); try { TiffWriter.writeUncompressedImage(out, pixels, width, height); } finally { out.close(); } } public static void writePgm(byte[] pixels, int width, int height, String title) { byte[] header = ("P5\n" + width + " " + height + "\n255\n").getBytes(); ByteVectorOutputStream out = new ByteVectorOutputStream(header.length + pixels.length); out.add(header); out.add(pixels); try { java.nio.file.Files.write( java.nio.file.FileSystems.getDefault().getPath("", title), out.buf, java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING, java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption.CREATE, java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption.WRITE ); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } public static void writePpm24(byte[] pixels24, int width, int height, String title) { byte[] header = ("P6\n" + width + " " + height + "\n255\n").getBytes(); try { OutputStream out = Files.newOutputStream( FileSystems.getDefault().getPath("", title), StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.WRITE ); try { out.write(header); out.write(pixels24, 0, width * height * 3); } finally { out.close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } public static void writePpm24(int[] argb, int width, int height, String title) { int area = width * height; byte[] header = ("P6\n" + width + " " + height + "\n255\n").getBytes(); int size = header.length + area * 3; byte[] buffer = ByteBufferPool.acquireAsIs(size); System.arraycopy(header, 0, buffer, 0, header.length); for (int p = 0, b = header.length; p < area; p++, b += 3) { int color = argb[p]; buffer[b] = (byte)((color >>> 16) & 0xff); buffer[b+1] = (byte)((color >>> 8) & 0xff); buffer[b+2] = (byte)(color & 0xff); } try { OutputStream out = Files.newOutputStream( FileSystems.getDefault().getPath("", title), StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.WRITE ); try { out.write(buffer, 0, size); } finally { out.close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } finally { ByteBufferPool.release(buffer); } } }