package Algorithms; import Utils.*; public class Lacunarity2 { public static class Statistics { public IntVector boxTable = new IntVector(); public IntVector el3 = new IntVector(); public IntVector fl3 = new IntVector(); public DoubleVector eLambda3 = new DoubleVector(); public DoubleVector fLambda3 = new DoubleVector(); public DoubleVector logBoxSizes = new DoubleVector(); public DoubleVector logElambda3p1 = new DoubleVector(); public DoubleVector logFlambda3p1 = new DoubleVector(); public double elCurve; public double flCurve; public double elMedial; public double flMedial; public double elMean; public double flMean; } public static void computeLacunarity(Statistics stats, byte[] image, int width, int height, int numberOfBins, int minSize, int inc) { int minX = width; int minY = height; int maxX = 0; int maxY = 0; for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { int isWhite = image[x + width * y] >> 31; // no AND with 0xff minX = Math.min(minX, (x & isWhite) | (width & ~isWhite)); minY = Math.min(minY, (y & isWhite) | (height & ~isWhite)); maxX = Math.max(maxX, x & isWhite); maxY = Math.max(maxY, y & isWhite); } } final int selWidth = maxX - minX + 1; final int selHeight = maxY - minY + 1; final int smallDimension = Math.min(selWidth, selHeight); final int factor = (smallDimension - minSize) / numberOfBins; int minMedialDiff = -1; int medialBox = 0; double eLacTotal = 0.0; double fLacTotal = 0.0; stats.boxTable.size = 0; stats.el3.size = 0; stats.fl3.size = 0; stats.eLambda3.size = 0; stats.fLambda3.size = 0; stats.logBoxSizes.size = 0; stats.logElambda3p1.size = 0; stats.logFlambda3p1.size = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfBins; i++) { final int boxSize = (i < numberOfBins - 1) ? (minSize + i*factor) : smallDimension; int diff = Math.abs(boxSize - smallDimension / 2); if (minMedialDiff < 0 || diff < minMedialDiff) { minMedialDiff = diff; medialBox = i; } int numXBox = (int)Math.ceil((double)selWidth / (double)inc - (double)boxSize / (double)inc + 1.0); int numYBox = (int)Math.ceil((double)selHeight / (double)inc - (double)boxSize / (double)inc + 1.0); stats.boxTable.resize(numXBox * numYBox * 2); // 00 case int topLeftSlice = countWhitePixels(image, width, height, minX, minY, inc, inc); int topMainSlice = countWhitePixels(image, width, height, minX + inc, minY, boxSize - inc, inc); int mainLeftSlice = countWhitePixels(image, width, height, minX, minY + inc, inc, boxSize - inc); int mainMainSlice = countWhitePixels(image, width, height, minX + inc, minY + inc, boxSize - inc, boxSize - inc); stats.boxTable.buf[0] = topLeftSlice + topMainSlice + mainLeftSlice + mainMainSlice; stats.boxTable.buf[1] = topLeftSlice + topMainSlice; for (int col = 1; col < numXBox; col++) { // 0j case int x = minX + col * inc; int topRightSlice = countWhitePixels(image, width, height, x + boxSize - inc, minY, inc, inc); int mainRightSlice = countWhitePixels(image, width, height, x + boxSize - inc, minY + inc, inc, boxSize - inc); stats.boxTable.buf[2*col] = stats.boxTable.buf[2*(col-1)] + (topRightSlice + mainRightSlice) - (topLeftSlice + mainLeftSlice); stats.boxTable.buf[2*col + 1] = stats.boxTable.buf[2*(col-1) + 1] + topRightSlice - topLeftSlice; if (col < numXBox - 1) { topLeftSlice = countWhitePixels(image, width, height, x, minY, inc, inc); mainLeftSlice = countWhitePixels(image, width, height, x, minY + inc, inc, boxSize - inc); } } for (int row = 1; row < numYBox; row++) { // i0 case int y = minY + row * inc; int bottomLeftSlice = countWhitePixels(image, width, height, minX, y + boxSize - inc, inc, inc); int bottomMainSlice = countWhitePixels(image, width, height, minX + inc, y + boxSize - inc, boxSize - inc, inc); topLeftSlice = countWhitePixels(image, width, height, minX, y, inc, inc); topMainSlice = countWhitePixels(image, width, height, minX + inc, y, boxSize - inc, inc); int bottomSlice = bottomMainSlice + bottomLeftSlice; int topSlice = topLeftSlice + topMainSlice; stats.boxTable.buf[2*row*numXBox] = stats.boxTable.buf[2*(row-1)*numXBox] + bottomSlice - stats.boxTable.buf[2*(row-1)*numXBox + 1]; stats.boxTable.buf[2*row*numXBox + 1] = topSlice; for (int col = 1; col < numXBox; col++) { // ij case int x = minX + col * inc; int bottomRightSlice = countWhitePixels(image, width, height, x + boxSize - inc, y + boxSize - inc, inc, inc); int topRightSlice = countWhitePixels(image, width, height, x + boxSize - inc, y, inc, inc); bottomSlice += bottomRightSlice - bottomLeftSlice; topSlice += topRightSlice - topLeftSlice; int pos = row * numXBox + col; stats.boxTable.buf[2*pos] = stats.boxTable.buf[2*(pos-numXBox)] + bottomSlice - stats.boxTable.buf[2*(pos-numXBox) + 1]; stats.boxTable.buf[2*pos + 1] = topSlice; if (col < numXBox - 1) { bottomLeftSlice = countWhitePixels(image, width, height, x, y + boxSize - inc, inc, inc); topLeftSlice = countWhitePixels(image, width, height, x, y, inc, inc); } } } stats.el3.size = 0; stats.fl3.size = 0; int totalBoxes = numXBox * numYBox; for (int j = 0; j < totalBoxes; j++) { int count = stats.boxTable.buf[j*2]; stats.el3.add(count); if (count > 0) stats.fl3.add(count); } double eLac = computeCoefficientOfVariationSquared(stats.el3.buf, stats.el3.size); double fLac = computeCoefficientOfVariationSquared(stats.fl3.buf, stats.fl3.size); eLacTotal += eLac; fLacTotal += fLac; stats.eLambda3.add(eLac); stats.fLambda3.add(fLac); stats.logBoxSizes.add(Math.log((double)boxSize)); stats.logElambda3p1.add(Math.log(eLac + 1.0)); stats.logFlambda3p1.add(Math.log(fLac + 1.0)); } stats.elMean = stats.eLambda3.size > 0 ? eLacTotal / (double)stats.eLambda3.size : 0.0; stats.flMean = stats.fLambda3.size > 0 ? fLacTotal / (double)stats.fLambda3.size : 0.0; stats.elMedial = stats.eLambda3.buf[medialBox]; stats.flMedial = stats.fLambda3.buf[medialBox]; stats.elCurve = findLinearRegressionFactor(stats.logBoxSizes.buf, stats.logElambda3p1.buf, numberOfBins, null); stats.flCurve = findLinearRegressionFactor(stats.logBoxSizes.buf, stats.logFlambda3p1.buf, numberOfBins, null); } public static int countWhitePixels(byte[] image, int width, int height, int xStart, int yStart, int dx, int dy) { int count = 0; int xLast = Math.min(xStart + dx, width) - 1; int yLast = Math.min(yStart + dy, height) - 1; for (int y = yStart; y <= yLast; y++) { for (int x = xStart; x <= xLast; x++) { int pixel = image[x + width * y]; // no AND with 0xff count -= pixel >> 31; // -1 if the pixel is white, 0 if not } } return count; } public static double computeCoefficientOfVariationSquared(int[] buf, int n) { if (n <= 0) return 0.0; double total = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) total += buf[i]; double avg = total / (double)n; double variation = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { double dAvg = (double)buf[i] - avg; variation += dAvg * dAvg; } double stdDev = Math.sqrt(variation / (double)n); double cv = stdDev / avg; return cv * cv; } // Modified snippet, originally from ij/measure/ // Determine sum of squared residuals with linear regression. // The sum of squared residuals is written to the array element with index 'numParams', // the offset and factor params (if any) are written to their proper positions in the // params array public static double findLinearRegressionFactor(double[] xData, double[] yData, int numPoints, double[] params) { double sumX=0, sumX2=0, sumXY=0; // sums for regression; here 'x' are function values double sumY=0, sumY2=0; // only calculated for 'slope', otherwise we use the values calculated already for (int i=0; i